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NPVT t1_j9vh0bd wrote

Okay. So does cigarettes and those are legal.


Nativesince2011 t1_j9vhjg8 wrote

So does cheese


DubbleDiller t1_j9vi4ru wrote

wyr give up cheese for the rest of your life or give up weed for the rest of your life

tough choice


Nativesince2011 t1_j9vidcy wrote

Cheese is my heroin and weed is my weed. I’m not playing this game.


Nativesince2011 t1_j9w0hqe wrote

I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade. Most vegan cheese taste like ass and it’s just carbs and salt.


Ok-Hunt6574 t1_j9xs5ay wrote

You need to make your own. Cashew cheeses are yummy.


pricygoldnikes t1_j9vzn54 wrote

Cheese by a mile. Cheese is delicious, but I value not being in pain more


xiconic t1_j9vjb9a wrote

In the UK cigarettes and rolling tobacco are sold in a horrible dark green packet that isn't allowed to have any branding, only health messages like "smoking kills" and such and are also taxed at an insane rate. But I always argue that if tobacco gets treated this way then why can I still walk down the alcohol aisle of a store and see all the bright coloured branding on that? Alcohol can kill you much much faster than smoking and can cause much more harm to others than second hand smoke. If I can buy a relatively inexpensive alcohol with brightly coloured branding all over it to pickle my liver with, why can't I buy a cheap packet of cigarettes with clear branding to know its the ones I want so that I can relax after a stressful day?


PEVEI t1_j9vkl23 wrote

The short answer is that alcohol has been part of the accepted culture since the dawn of writing, whereas tobacco was a relatively recent import from the 'New World' for non-indigenous people. There is also the relatively recent lesson in the failure of alcohol prohibition which is deeply ingrained in Western culture.

None of this should be taken as an argument in favor of drinking, I just wanted to offer some context for contemporary attitudes, which aren't shaped by accurate risk assessment; few human policies and attitudes are shaped by accurate risk assessment.