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m1k3tv t1_j9vor1y wrote

Thank god they had a guns and not mental health support


NULLizm t1_j9x7g7q wrote

Why not both! (guns and not mental health support)



LifeIsVanilla t1_j9xd9yo wrote

I just realized someone I'm distant friends with but never liked is exactly like this.

Certain things make more sense.


Lincoln_Park_Pirate t1_j9y42kb wrote

Did you even bother to read the article? He was dead when they got there.


IllllIIIllllIl t1_j9y92yi wrote

Perhaps that wouldn’t have been the case if he had mental health support instead of guns.


Safe_Cabinet7090 t1_j9y9sbg wrote

I don’t get why we can’t have both? Like mental health support and the right to bear arms?

Edit: lol the downvoting is why I can’t take some of y’all serious.


IllllIIIllllIl t1_j9ya7n3 wrote

One doesn’t preclude the other, it’s more an argument against how wildly disproportionate access to either is prioritized, as well as the difference on how each is stigmatized vs normalized.


Safe_Cabinet7090 t1_j9yad5l wrote

Sure I could somewhat agree with that.

If we had an amendment that everyone had the right to free mental health, then I could see your point.


IllllIIIllllIl t1_j9ybpyo wrote

Well, that’s the exact point that argument makes. Only one is a guaranteed constitutional right, it’s not a choice of one or the other but mental health needs to be treated as important as it is from an institutional and legislative perspective instead of doing the “mental health is important” argument carousel every time any article like this crops up. We’re not really getting anywhere with it as a country because legislators are too unwilling to take action.


Safe_Cabinet7090 t1_j9yc91a wrote

Yeah no I agree. It sucks that allot times when I vote for someone. They have my allignment of things I value for something’s but not all things. For example I definitely value 2A very high but it so hard to get a politician that is Pro 2A and for actively trying to get better access to mental health programs. Where if I go to the other side they can pretty often be active in the mental health action but are very anti 2A. Some 3rd party would be great but have no chance to win sadly.


Odd-Employment2517 t1_j9zhv35 wrote

We don't have an amendment that gives everyone the right to a gun though. If it did felons or dishonorable discharge military wouldn't be barred from owning guns.


Safe_Cabinet7090 t1_j9zzpnc wrote

Okay dude you are just picking at straws. Of course there are exceptions and I would say those exceptions are a good thing. I don’t see what you are trying to get at.


m1k3tv t1_j9y59bj wrote

Dead by mental health support or guns?


caradenopal t1_j9xj1q2 wrote

Woah woah woah… let’s not confuse mental health disorders with CRIMINAL effing behavior, friend.


m1k3tv t1_j9y82ry wrote

You've mis-interpreted that statement.


Flyentologist t1_j9y9by4 wrote

Are you saying that mental illness plays zero possible role in someone murder-suiciding their family?


pobody t1_j9vohcn wrote

Another mentally stable, responsible gun owner.


rabb1thole t1_j9w8f9e wrote

Another woman murdered by her male mate.


toe_and_hole_analyst t1_j9wkeit wrote

Reminds me of that Donald Glover stand up routine from over a decade ago: "Guys have tons of crazy ex-girlfriend stories, but women don't have a lot of crazy ex stories. Because if their ex is crazy... they die"


homerteedo t1_j9xe9g5 wrote

Except that’s not really true.

It’s true women are more likely to be murdered by their partners, but the vast majority of even crazy men don’t kill their partners.

Imagine if they did. There are so many crazy men around that if they were killing their partners like that women wouldn’t only be 20% of homicide victims.

Many women have crazy boyfriend stories.


BuzzPoopyear t1_j9xf03j wrote

thanks for letting us know that a joke from a stand up set isn’t 100% accurate. i was very convinced before your comment


homerteedo t1_j9xjxa2 wrote

Then why mention it at all on a serious news article if it’s mostly BS?


BuzzPoopyear t1_j9xkezz wrote

are you new to reddit? you’d be extremely hard-pressed to find any thread with over 100 comments that doesn’t have a single joke, let alone one that is actually relevant to the subject of the post. “fact checking” a joke that is not meant to be taken literally, that no one is taking literally, is just dumb


JustVGames t1_j9yhqvd wrote

An armed society is a polite society… or that’s what the lying republicans tell me


LightEncryption t1_j9wsvdw wrote

I wonder what the other 100 million gun owners would say. Stay ignorant


Chillchinchila1 t1_j9wt6h4 wrote

Considering how whenever I interact with gun owners online they’re always making “jokes” about shooting government officials or people they disagree with politically, probably give him a high five.

I’m not completely anti gun, but the average gun owner is one of the main reasons I’m so anti gun. They’re assholes at best, mass shooters in waiting at worst. Gun culture in the US is wack.


[deleted] t1_j9y6x65 wrote



Safe_Cabinet7090 t1_j9ya68p wrote

I mean that’s what he is insinuating.

It’s ironic how when I go to the gun range I always run into the best group of people but when a redditor says he met a few gun owners they were the columbine kids….

I think it’s just funny


Mydickradiates t1_j9vsn8a wrote

I think this is the sort of person who would have figured out another way to do it though. I mean it was a standoff, it wasn't exactly impulsive


Available-Camera8691 t1_j9vsv2l wrote

Standoffs can happen after something impulsive? How are the two related?


impy695 t1_j9vyvjh wrote

And this very case could be an example of that. He shot her while she was in her moving car, which seems more spontaneous than planned. Once he realizes how fucked he is, he panics and it becomes a standoff.


lordofmmo t1_j9wdw6w wrote

clearly you didn't read the article, because dude shot his wife while she was driving away. how would you think he'd do that with a knife?


SheriffComey t1_j9vymm4 wrote

One of the longest, deadliest standoffs in my hometown happened after a "model citizen" father flipped his shit when he found out CPS was investigating his son for abuse towards the kids in their foster care.

One phone call giving him the heads up the police were coming and he decided to shoot the first officer that showed up and her partner.


BrentMCongdon t1_j9w068i wrote

Anyway to site the news story without doxxing yourself?


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9wbn8o wrote

A standoff seems like the result of an impulsive decision to me. A standoff has no real viable endgame so it's a result of a lack of planning. At least that's how my logic sees it


Chippopotanuse t1_j9x0005 wrote

Cool. Can you tell me how he differs from the 2-3 other guys EVERY DAY who shoot their intimate partner to death?

I suppose they could all find a different way, but guns are what they choose.

Weird how that works.

Almost like it’s way easier to kill someone with a gun.

Especially when they are driving away like this poor woman was.


swheels125 t1_j9wo4id wrote

What part of the article made you think this wasn’t something impulsive? And which part talks about the accused as a person that makes you make the determination that this guy would’ve “found a way” to stop his fleeing wife from driving away without the use of a gun?


ElectroFlannelGore t1_j9vokay wrote

Married, lots of kids, nice area, nice house... I wonder what could have precipitated this.


Scribe625 t1_j9w7utj wrote

The husband probably has a history of being abusive or controlling. That kind of thing happens everywhere regardless of the family's wealth, house, neighborhood, or how happy they look in public. Domestic murder suicides seem to be all about power with the guy taking his wife's life. Maybe the wife was planning to divorce him for being an abusive ass and he couldn't let that happen so he did this without caring at all about what he was doing to his kids.

We had a father murder his ex-wife in a semi-wealthy suburb outside of Pittsburgh and then he shot himself all because his ex had dared to start dating 5 years after their divorce. I always felt so bad for their young kids who have to grow up now without their parents.


flaccidcolon t1_j9w8jwf wrote

As a woman, it makes me sad how scary men can be. :(


uhh-frost t1_j9wx3ty wrote

As a man, this makes me sad how scary men can be


saikyo t1_j9yj1ty wrote

As a human, this makes me sad how scary men can be.


flaccidcolon t1_j9wxbhg wrote

Yeah I don't hate men at all, I love you guys. I think our society is failing our men. :/

Eta: failing in some ways but there's so much forward momentum and hope. The sacred male is beautiful and intregal to everything and i believe in you and me too. 💜


18karattrash t1_j9xqiw9 wrote

Tbh men are failing themselves to a certain extent. Society has a hand in it, but personal responsibility exists.


spazzed t1_j9yqjes wrote

As a man you are absolutely correct.


PeggyOnThePier t1_j9xwn3j wrote

How is society failing man?


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9yz1x0 wrote

The #1 influencer for the young man demographic has been Andrew Tate for plural years now. Our structures of socialization actively push aggressive domineering hyper-individualist personality traits as paragons of masculinity. This has been a thing for decades.

We desperately need good role models


Lesley82 t1_j9zdufs wrote

We have plenty of good to fantastic male role models.


PeggyOnThePier t1_ja0ofdl wrote

I know about that idiot. I think young man should start thinking for themselves .and realizing that most things on the internet, are false and misleading ,they're only after the money that they get. I am tired of being insulted by all these idiots.!


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_ja0r7dz wrote

That's uhhh... A pretty myopic outlook. Young people look for direction and will always get it from somewhere. Just gotta make sure to elevate the voices that help rather than harm. Telling young people to "just figure it out" is hardly advice.


PeggyOnThePier t1_ja1u6oq wrote

I didn't mean it in a negative way. I just wish there were more Free Thinkers. I am worried about my male members of my family. I have Grandsons and a lot of nephews,that I love dearly. I'm worried about thier future relationships. And how they will treat their GF and or wife's.


NJD1214 t1_j9znq3g wrote

I just saw a couple articles last week where one woman had killed and dismembered her boyfriend and another killed her child to keep his dad from getting custody. It's not men or women, it's people that are are scary.


MidLifeHalfHouse t1_ja03c7n wrote

“Not all men” of course is what it seems like you are trying to say. But statistically, it’s 20/80 men/women in committing violent crimes:


NJD1214 t1_ja03w2o wrote

I am not sure why you put "not all men" in quotes when that isn't what I said. What I meant was exactly what I said, "It's not men or women, it's people that are scary". I never delved into anything statistical. Every person has the capacity to do bad.


packattack- t1_j9ykvkv wrote

Men? I think humans in general are scary. I don’t think this exclusive to men…


[deleted] t1_j9walwi wrote



Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9wb5jd wrote

Who are the ones doing the murdering though?

Like ignoring how tasteless your comment is it also neglects that men are responsible for the most physical damage in cases of domestic violence. So before you come onto a thread to just throw a woman's fears back at her I'd consider the sand on which you build your house.


greenglasstree t1_j9wtr6f wrote

At least in Canada, income is negatively associated with domestic violence. Poor abusive people physically abuse their families. Rich abusive people verbally abuse their underlings at work. Maybe it's different in the United States.


magobblie t1_j9wf2ws wrote

I believe she owned a home healthcare business. If she asked for a divorce, that may have affected his bottom line greatly. I live nearby there. A woman was handcuffed and stabbed to death by her spouse not long ago around here, too.


m1k3tv t1_j9voplt wrote

Easy access to a gun makes even small mental crises into life threatening situations.


masterofshadows t1_j9w8k8u wrote

Even in countries without guns, intimate Partner Homicide happens far too frequently.


privatelyowned t1_j9wknuv wrote

3-4 women are killed by the men in their lives per day in the US alone.


masterofshadows t1_j9wlrom wrote

It's 2-3 per week in the UK, while better, it is still unacceptably high.


privatelyowned t1_j9wmyr5 wrote

We have 67 mil in the uk compared to americas 330 mil.


masterofshadows t1_j9wn7fu wrote

Yeah, the rates should probably be compared to individual states, or adjusted to a per Capita basis to compare.


eltigrechino94 t1_j9wyp5l wrote

England and Wales homicide rate 2021/22: 1.17 per 100,000 people.

England and Wales female homicide rate 0.33 per 100K

US homicide in 2021 7.8 per 100K

US female 1.4 per 100K

I done England and Wales because Scotland and NI report separately

Scotland 2021/22 homicide rate 1.0 per 100k

Scotland female 0.25 per 100K.


masterofshadows t1_j9wyx8z wrote

Yes but what's the homicide rate specifically involving intimate partner violence? The numbers me and the other poster were discussing were specifically intimate partner violence.


eltigrechino94 t1_j9x0whu wrote

The Scottish government handily mentions that 56% of female victims are killed by a partner/ex partner.

Which becomes a rate of 0.17 female homicide by partner/ex partner per 100K people.

England and Wales claims 62% of female homicide victims are killed by a partner/ex partner.

England and Wales 0.21 female killed by partner/ex partner per 100M

US 55% by partner/ex partner.

US 0.77 Female homicide by partner/ex partner per 100k

So about 3x as much as the UK.


masterofshadows t1_j9x15an wrote

Thanks for putting in the work!

While the UK numbers do show the US has a big problem, it's still too high in the UK too and serious work needs put into addressing the problem.


-Diorama- t1_j9wie0g wrote

And overwhelmingly against the female partner.


BadAtExisting t1_j9y5krv wrote

Domestic abusers tend to like the nice optics of normalcy


CrazyDude10528 t1_j9xaom0 wrote

I live close to here, Monroeville is a pretty meh place with a history of gun violence, particularly the famous Monroeville mall.


scootastic23 t1_j9yfj1k wrote

A loss of status is what usually proceeds family killings. It could have been some kind of financial pressure.


[deleted] t1_j9votbr wrote



IceColdTear t1_j9w6ypj wrote

Nah, probably a domestic abuser. She probably tried to leave and he killed her. The riskiest time to a womans life is when she tries to leave a domestic abuse situation. 3-4 women per day in the US are killed by male domestic violence.


masterofshadows t1_j9w8f9k wrote

I won't dispute that. Both are certainly emotionally charged events and I can't find any statistics that break down the causes of IPH (intimate Partner Homicide).


TooGood2beDrew t1_j9wakj0 wrote

The causes are insecure and violent male partners. Nothing a female spouse does should result in her murder.


[deleted] t1_j9wbisn wrote



-Diorama- t1_j9wirdo wrote

You already admitted you don’t have any evidence to back this claim up. You said “probably infidelity” implying that the wife drove the husband to this by an immoral act. That’s not “discussing triggering behaviors” that’s assuming that she cheated with zero evidence.


masterofshadows t1_j9wj2wv wrote

People like you who see accusations when there are none are exhausting. Have a good night.


-Diorama- t1_j9wjqzp wrote

Do you understand though why people are downvoting and replying to you in this way?

The person you replied to asked “why did this happen?”

You replied “probably infidelity.” Which is the same as saying “probably something SHE did to HIM that caused this.”

You don’t know that it was infidelity- but you said it was probable that it was infidelity despite lack of evidence.

These are the issues with your comment.


masterofshadows t1_j9wkfro wrote

And others immediately jumped to pre-existing domestic violence and her leaving. Both are equally without proof. Both are possible. But your automatic assumption that I have some kind of issue with women is problematic and I will not sit by and be slandered. This will be my last reply as this is not a productive conversation. Good night.


IntricateSunlight t1_j9ynsvn wrote

Even if it was infidelity on her part it doesn't excuse taking someone's life. Even if your partner cheats on you it doesn't mean you can just kill them. Domestic abuse or infidelity its still just as bad to kill someone.


IceColdTear t1_j9wct87 wrote

Leaving is the most dangerous time for women and the time she is most likely to be murdered. However, the biggest indicator that she will be killed by her male partner is prior instances involving strangulation.


b_needs_a_cookie t1_j9vzha7 wrote

Or he could be an abusive piece of shit and she said she's done, which is more often the case


No_Match_7939 t1_j9vvau6 wrote

Your gonna get a lot of hate here but man being cheated on can make your react very terrible. Maybe these guns escalate something that should have been at worst am argument


impy695 t1_j9vzcti wrote

Why would they get hate for saying infidelity could be the cause of violence? While rational and well adjusted people won't resort to violence, I don't think anyone would argue that it's not a very emotionally charged situation with a lot of anger.

Hell, I got into an argument once on reddit with someone who said it's normal and common for people to get violent after being cheated on.


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9wb9fk wrote

I think the gut reaction to blame the murdered woman is the thing to be disgusted at here.


masterofshadows t1_j9wd0th wrote

It doesn't have to be her who cheated. He could have been the cheater and got caught. It's just an emotionally charged time that leads violent people to be violent


TangoZulu t1_j9w0oex wrote

Because gun nuts like to pretend that all "responsible" gun owners have iron-clad mental abilities and emotional control. It runs counter to their objective to admit that a legal gun owner could lose it in a moment of distress and use his legal firearm to murder someone.


[deleted] t1_j9w11uw wrote



impy695 t1_j9w1r1d wrote

There is a big step between this:

> I mean arguably it is normal by virtue of being common that people become irrational and unconsolably emotional

And this:

> and yes even violent

Most people don't become violent even when they become irrationally angry. People that do, need some form of anger management. Violence in response to cheating is not common or normal, even though irrational anger is common and normal.


ElectroFlannelGore t1_j9w5yua wrote

>Most people don't become violent even when they become irrationally angry.

I'll have to find some stats on that

>People that do, need some form of anger management.

No disagreement here. I work with addicts. Lots of them out of prison or fresh from anger management classes.

>Violence in response to cheating is not common or normal, even though irrational anger is common and normal.

I dunno man. Searching "infidelity intimate partner violence" makes it seem pretty common. I mean as far as causes of intimate partner violence.


impy695 t1_j9w7vn8 wrote

If you search for cases where cheating lead to violence, you're going to find a lot, but what you won't find is the vast majority that aren't newsworthy because no one goes crazy.


masterofshadows t1_j9x3jl3 wrote

They literally linked you to a scholarly research paper on it. No not everyone who gets cheated on gets violent. But amongst the subset of people prone to violence, infidelity can be a major trigger for a violent act.


impy695 t1_j9x4d57 wrote

Yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with the point they're trying to make.


Videoking24 t1_j9wh98e wrote

Walp not often I see things in my reddit feed right in my backyard. That's a really wealthy area this happened in.


Col__Hunter_Gathers t1_j9wwgqk wrote

Yeah I was kinda confused after reading the title and realizing it wasn't posted in /r/pittsburgh but was in a main sub.


Biggcurt t1_j9wrr0v wrote

Wealthy neighborhood yes but let’s not act like monroeville is a very affluent area lol


Videoking24 t1_j9xhsux wrote

I'm back in Delmont on the edge of Pennsyltucky. Might as well be ritzy to me lmao.


Jimmy_Corrigan t1_j9x4fwe wrote

Leave the first time a partner is abusive.

Staying is choosing to risk your life.


Highwinter t1_j9x5uip wrote

Unfortunately, leaving is often what triggers these escalations.


Jimmy_Corrigan t1_j9xci1b wrote

No. These situations are triggered when victims leave after sustained abuse. Leaving early saves your life. The longer you stay, the riskier leaving becomes.


BonnieIndigo t1_j9yhmat wrote

This may be technically true, but you really don’t understand how abusive situations work, or people who are stuck in them.


tt0022 t1_j9y1l5f wrote

A yes, so the next time someone holds you at gunpoint you just walk away and won't get shot.


realfinkployd t1_j9yd05r wrote

I believe the point here is that it doesn’t normally START like that. I’ve known a lot of women who stayed with a guy long after the little warning signs started piling up because they can fix him or he just gets like that sometimes but she knows he really loves her.

It never gets better in that situation. Never.


IntricateSunlight t1_j9ypl7d wrote

In the case of my ex, she would be abusive towards me and all then for a few weeks things would 'get better' and normalize then it would happen again.

Therapy helped me see that cycle of abuse and emotional manipulation i was in. Note she never abused me physically but mentally and emotionally she did. She'd get very angry and yell at me and say its my fault she's angry,aggressive and yelling at me.

There was a period after we broke up where she was threatening to kill me and I was so afraid I carried a gun everywhere I went. I legitimately considered getting a restraining order on her. She went and got mental health help and she takes meds now and is much more stable and better and now we get along at least.


Timely_Choice_4525 t1_j9w6rug wrote

Another victory for the wonderful 2A. More dead people dead at the hands of a law abiding citizen with a legal gun.

Edit: jhc, if you’re a 2A supporter or a gun nut and you want to respond to my comment with your support for gun owner rights, or the 2A, or profess your love for your shiny guns at least have the balls to leave your post up when it gets downvotes. I’ve had four responses, all deleted, one in less than 5 mins. If you don’t have the guts to state your position and support it, don’t make it.


whyreadthis2035 t1_j9x2e0v wrote

Imagine a country where you have unfettered gun access on your worst day. WCGW?


Gamebobbel t1_j9vxqdy wrote

My brain instantly read "police shoots and kills wife", because of how many police killings there were on here recently.


pittguy578 t1_j9x4ivu wrote

That is like 8 miles from me. I didn’t watch the news today. Insane


BigGayGinger4 t1_j9xh4cw wrote

The home I grew up in is a 5 minute drive from this.

and in that neighborhood there was a murder suicide just like this in the late 80s or early 90s or something. no swat team though lmao.


Safe_Cabinet7090 t1_j9y9noo wrote

Really unfortunate what happened here. Just a fucking coward killing his wife.

I could never imagine taking my firearm and harming my family. I never will either. This dude was trash.


ekkidee t1_j9y8e92 wrote

So sick and tired of gun nut cowards.


dxploys t1_j9wx906 wrote

Monroeville is where Zach and Miri: Make a Porno was filmed and took place.


dedsqwirl t1_j9xzn3t wrote

Dawn of the Dead (1978) was filmed in the Monroeville Mall.

It's changed in the past 40 years, but it's still recognizable.


TheRealAblert t1_j9y67om wrote

Where was the good guy with a gun


redditaccount71987 t1_ja4fna8 wrote

How sad. Anger is an emotion I've never understood or had. Very scary to know what people are capable of.


Spirited_Video_8160 t1_j9x90mt wrote

Should be Moronville, be a man they say, manup they say, men don't cry they say


thecaptcaveman t1_j9ye420 wrote

You can't change your DNA. Get mad. Shake your fist at your gods. Won't matter one bit. Your DNA will continue to make another cell based on the original for as long as you live.
