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flaccidcolon t1_j9w8jwf wrote

As a woman, it makes me sad how scary men can be. :(


uhh-frost t1_j9wx3ty wrote

As a man, this makes me sad how scary men can be


saikyo t1_j9yj1ty wrote

As a human, this makes me sad how scary men can be.


flaccidcolon t1_j9wxbhg wrote

Yeah I don't hate men at all, I love you guys. I think our society is failing our men. :/

Eta: failing in some ways but there's so much forward momentum and hope. The sacred male is beautiful and intregal to everything and i believe in you and me too. 💜


18karattrash t1_j9xqiw9 wrote

Tbh men are failing themselves to a certain extent. Society has a hand in it, but personal responsibility exists.


spazzed t1_j9yqjes wrote

As a man you are absolutely correct.


PeggyOnThePier t1_j9xwn3j wrote

How is society failing man?


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9yz1x0 wrote

The #1 influencer for the young man demographic has been Andrew Tate for plural years now. Our structures of socialization actively push aggressive domineering hyper-individualist personality traits as paragons of masculinity. This has been a thing for decades.

We desperately need good role models


Lesley82 t1_j9zdufs wrote

We have plenty of good to fantastic male role models.


PeggyOnThePier t1_ja0ofdl wrote

I know about that idiot. I think young man should start thinking for themselves .and realizing that most things on the internet, are false and misleading ,they're only after the money that they get. I am tired of being insulted by all these idiots.!


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_ja0r7dz wrote

That's uhhh... A pretty myopic outlook. Young people look for direction and will always get it from somewhere. Just gotta make sure to elevate the voices that help rather than harm. Telling young people to "just figure it out" is hardly advice.


PeggyOnThePier t1_ja1u6oq wrote

I didn't mean it in a negative way. I just wish there were more Free Thinkers. I am worried about my male members of my family. I have Grandsons and a lot of nephews,that I love dearly. I'm worried about thier future relationships. And how they will treat their GF and or wife's.


NJD1214 t1_j9znq3g wrote

I just saw a couple articles last week where one woman had killed and dismembered her boyfriend and another killed her child to keep his dad from getting custody. It's not men or women, it's people that are are scary.


MidLifeHalfHouse t1_ja03c7n wrote

“Not all men” of course is what it seems like you are trying to say. But statistically, it’s 20/80 men/women in committing violent crimes:


NJD1214 t1_ja03w2o wrote

I am not sure why you put "not all men" in quotes when that isn't what I said. What I meant was exactly what I said, "It's not men or women, it's people that are scary". I never delved into anything statistical. Every person has the capacity to do bad.


packattack- t1_j9ykvkv wrote

Men? I think humans in general are scary. I don’t think this exclusive to men…


[deleted] t1_j9walwi wrote



Valyrian_Kobolds t1_j9wb5jd wrote

Who are the ones doing the murdering though?

Like ignoring how tasteless your comment is it also neglects that men are responsible for the most physical damage in cases of domestic violence. So before you come onto a thread to just throw a woman's fears back at her I'd consider the sand on which you build your house.