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Paoldrunko t1_j9xmj59 wrote

Step 1: Be in the US Air Force

Step 2: Take the mandatory annual online training that evaluates your ability to not do stupid shit, like clicking links in random spam emails, or, when you foolishly leave your phone out of arm's reach on a table at a restaurant, and some dude grabs it and walks out, report it, but don't bother chasing after him and beating his ass.

Step 3: Beat your head on your desk until you successfully repress memories of the training until next year

Step 4: ???


OPA73 t1_j9zirs4 wrote

It all clicked on day when I saw a document folder left on a desk after hours in the old man’s office. Closed the office door, stood guard and called him directly. He was over to the base in 15 minutes, barely out of shower and out of breath for running upstairs. I have no idea of the level of document, but my evaluations were never better the next time around. And this is how he acted within a secure building with nobody else around. Probably a benign boring document with boring statistics. But still he took it seriously, how does the President or ex President not. BTW he did report on himself as I had to fill out a statement.