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colossalboom t1_j8fos58 wrote

Lol wtf? People jaywalk in Vancouver all the fucking time.


Available-Camera8691 t1_j8fqmun wrote

Yeah, but doing it while black is a fucking crime. Not sure what he was thinking.

Sad I have to add the /s, just in case.


conundrum4u2 t1_j8hi7oc wrote

And it apparently took 6 cops to arrest this dangerous black jaywalker - before one tazered him 3 times...


heaintgonedoit t1_j8g86kj wrote

I just love these stories truly validates my hatred for police and sadly all of em.


[deleted] t1_j8igfm6 wrote

Its basically a survival tactic in modern society. Cant trust the cops.


Cloudboy9001 t1_j8jbgll wrote

Multiple officers kneeing and kicking the guy besides the one tasering him repeatedly. One wonders if most police are violent habitual liars.


wizard_of_awesome62 t1_j8fovwv wrote

"Vancouver", that tracks. Was about to be pleasantly surprised (still am, just not in the way I was hoping).


mymar101 t1_j8i6dmm wrote

Some people don’t understand that excessive force is a thing


Slade347 t1_j8ibb0a wrote

And then there's the others who do, but just don't care.


LovesFrenchLove_More t1_j8i94ty wrote

Really? For jaywalking? What are the chances the officer would have arrested that person if they had been „white“?


sumquy t1_j8jqp9t wrote

when you think it can't get worse...

>A spokesperson for the police department on Monday could not immediately confirm whether Sidhu will remain on duty.


MstrCommander1955 t1_j8idoeh wrote

Jaywalking! Must be proud going home telling his family, how he subdued a law breaker. Bravo vpd, never ceases to amaze.


[deleted] t1_j8fmdce wrote



Kooriki t1_j8fns78 wrote

Me? Why's that? I fully support charging/firing bad cops, and believe we should actually hold them to a higher standard than regular citizens. I also support body-worn camera's to keep everyone honest.


[deleted] t1_j8fo34e wrote



Kooriki t1_j8fo95y wrote

That's a terrible and completely inaccurate statement.


[deleted] t1_j8fofuy wrote



Kooriki t1_j8fpbhb wrote

Another terrible take. I walked the camp regularly with supplies and Narcan. I helped one of the former campers get on his feet and spent countless hours petitioning and yelling at all 3 levels of government including the Park Board. Not only get some housing/shelter/indoor space online but to support people in the park with showers and a warning hut. My posting history from that time will back that up, as would the former camp KT turned HOPES community liaison.

The only thing I didn't do was ask Chrissy Brett for permission.


[deleted] t1_j8g4gkv wrote



i_worship_amps t1_j8h6qyr wrote

have you been to any major north american city because let me tell you about something called the opioid crisis


Unconfidence t1_j8hpn0q wrote

Shit even outside of the cities there's plenty of drug addiction, it's just less visible than it is in the cities.


i_worship_amps t1_j8j09g7 wrote

you’re right about that one. Here in Canada they offload addicted populations or people migrate to more rural spots like squamish or barrie (two towns close ish to 2 off our major cities)