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calmdwnnchill t1_j8k923p wrote

Why is it titled Juvenile? That supposed to make those kids lives worth less? You don’t have to be the perfect person to have the right to life


Self-Comprehensive t1_j8k9lpy wrote

Juvenile just means kid. It doesn't mean bad kid. You're thinking of the term "Juvenile Delinquent".


Ksh_667 t1_j8nb1ii wrote

I was confused by what they meant as well. Afaik juvenile just means young person. But I'm in England, maybe in America it has other connotations? Idk


Self-Comprehensive t1_j8o14do wrote

It just means kid. There's no value, good or bad, attached to the word juvenile in the US.


Ksh_667 t1_j8o2fy7 wrote

Thank you for explaining. Glad to know I wasn't as confused as I thought :)