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ledow t1_j8khjeo wrote

Do something?

I mean, it's not that any individual wields any particular amount of power but have you, say, given up a firearm, convinced others to do so, rethought your firearm requirements, etc. etc. etc.?

The UK had one single school shooting 27 years ago.

People literally CHANGED THEIR BEHAVIOUR. We were not a gunless country, never have been and still aren't. There are 1m firearms in the UK.

But what we did is handed weapons in, decided whether we really needed them, tried to do something about stopping it, even if it was only a token gesture unlikely to actually prevent another such shooting.

We now have a reputation for being "gun-less", because it was so effective.

And there hasn't been a school shooting in 27 years. ONE shooting, and we said "enough", we handed back weapons that we had no need for and some that we had a need for but found other ways.

I know three people who were gun-owners at the time. They all voluntarily gave in their weapons then or shortly after.

Such that - in my lifetime - I have never seen, held, or fired a weapon and don't know anyone who has one.

If you don't *DO SOMETHING*, even small token personal gestures, or large legislative changes, literally nothing is ever going to get changed, and the situation will only deteriorate further.

I work for a school and was discussing an access control system over a video conference the other day with the US manufacturer to resolve some technical issues. We were talking about what happens if someone loses their card, what if a door closes behind a child, what happens to the doors in a fire, etc.

They went on to talk about lockdown. I had to explain that - though it is a legal requirement for us to have a lockdown procedure - we are not obliged to ever actually lock down and I've never been in a genuine lockdown. Our requirements for a lockdown were very lax and most of what they were trying to make us do and configure wasn't at all necessary. I had to get them to factor in that our most likely usage of such a facility is actually probably a dog loose in the playground.

I mentioned the "27 years since our only ever school shooting" to the programmers and support people that I was talking to. They didn't believe me and had to google it. They were shocked.


Morgrid t1_j8m9zdm wrote

>There are 1m firearms in the UK.

There are 2.6 million Concealed Carry Permit holders in the state of Florida alone.