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saintpetejackboy t1_j91i0ts wrote

You misread, or I explained bad, sorry. I am not anti vaxx and I have taken every vaccine except the COVID vaccine.

If I hadn't had COVID numerous times by the time the vaccine came out, I would have DEFINITELY taken it.

I am about as pro vaxx as you can get, it just isn't for me. In my own personal scenario, I also have an underlying kind of autoimmune disorder (a vicious chronic urticaria that primarily manifests through any rapid change in body temperature, that has left me hospitalized and unable to breathe when I was younger).

Catching COVID any of the numerous times I have had it also caused me some kind of cardiovascular problems and gave me basically POTS (which seems to have maybe cleared up) and worse shit.

It is super annoying when people go "you should have taken the vaccine!", as before the vaccine was available, people like me were already catching the virus and having recovered. I remember getting tested and having both active virus and antibodies, and the logic back then just a few years ago was "lol to can't get the same virus twice, so you obviously didn't have it the first time".

By first time, I mean in January of 2021, I was hospitalized with a debilitating cough that was crippling me and making it impossible to breathe. They chalked it up to an "unknown viral infection" and sent me home. Keep in mind, my very good friend was also very sick and had just come back from Italy.

Living in Florida around a ton of people who absolutely refuse to wear masks or gloves or anything doesn't help at all for trying to avoid stuff like that. :)

But yeah, for clarification, I am not anti vaxx.
