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ViciousNakedMoleRat t1_j9rm5ek wrote

That leaves 32 detainees in a prison that costs over $500 million per year to operate.


tobi0666 t1_j9xkbpk wrote

Yep, as a man that served during that war. I am ashamed. I served in the navy. You know the one branch that got the DECISIVE victory in the desert. The aquatic warfare branch got the decisive victory in a desert war and we still didn't trust the government to tell its people. The rock had to tell people first. Don't forget that. That mission was suppose to top secret for 70 years


FoamOfDoom t1_ja44z00 wrote

The weirdest things get classified for the longest times. My grandpa's ww2 service was supposed to be permanently classified because the Germans used a guided bomb to take out his troop ship, but they declassified it in the mid 90s- well after my grandma died.


fullload93 t1_j9tjewd wrote

Both of them “held” since 2002. Imagine being locked up for a bit over 20 years, never having a trial, never seeing what “evidence” is against you and then just like that…. Free to go, you get a free transfer back to your home country. Imagine just having 20 years of your life stolen without any due process. Exactly why people hate Gitmo. It’s a concentration camp with ability to get out whenever the government feels like it. It’s not a proper prison for actual criminals.


MeatsimPD t1_j9trxl2 wrote

Then you turn on your TV and watch Americans claim their country is freer than anywhere on earth


supaspex_sfw t1_j9rtmlb wrote

And by 'transfer' they mean 'free'


malphonso t1_j9sawjp wrote

They never got a trial, so I suppose technically they're innocent.


chemicalrefugee t1_j9sh4z9 wrote

This quite likely some sort of trade. The people holding the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay have no ethics to speak of.


Fragrant_Spray t1_j9tyyum wrote

The “people holding the prisoners” is the US government. It’s Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden.


neverdoneneverready t1_j9w75zx wrote

Unbelievable. I can't believe Obama didn't do anything about this. I can't believe Bush started it. Trump I expected nothing good from him. I hope Biden repatriates the rest soon. Just because they're not citizens it's supposed to be ok to keep them in this hellhole for 20 years. I am so ashamed.


mohammedibnakar t1_j9wsl25 wrote

> I can't believe Obama didn't do anything about this.

Obama absolutely did do something about it. Under Obama the number of inmates dropped from ~250 to 41. Unfortunately any more decisive actions he could have taken would have required congressional approval, which he did not have.


alvarezg t1_j9w4v3z wrote

Guantánamo is a hearts and minds operation where they bring in innocent bystanders and release them 20 years later, sworn enemies of the United States.


tobi0666 t1_j9xjtzx wrote

Look the U.S. is going back to the way things were before 9/11. We're going back to paying other countries to torture people again.

Edited: cuz I won't proof read