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silvusx t1_j8nex6c wrote

If they admit you were right, then they've also admit they are dumb to the public. also prob sunken cost fallacy, they feel they are too deep in it and is praying they are going to be right.


Chippopotanuse t1_j8nn51f wrote

Being able to admit I’m often wrong and frequently dumb is probably my biggest life skill.

And I am happy as hell in life. Also very happily married.

I always feel sad for folks who are so insecure that they can’t admit fault or wrong.


WaterHaven t1_j8nxx5x wrote

And those who can't just admit that they don't know enough to have an opinion on something.

I've sat through so many meetings where somebody stumbled through not knowing an answer instead of just saying, "I'll get that information for you after this meeting (or whenever), because I don't know that off the top of my head."


imnota4 t1_j8oh0yd wrote

This. I think sometimes we as humans have a tendency to feel bad for *anyone* who gets the short end of the stick, not really caring how they ended up there. This can sometimes lead to us doing the *wrong* thing when trying to do the right thing, like grouping together against someone who was actually defending themselves.

In this case, I think people want to see someone who got scammed as a helpless victim that needs help, when in reality almost every person I've met who has been successfully scammed by methods like this was usually someone who thought too highly of their own knowledge and opinions and *refused* to change them, which is why they ended up for lack of a better word and I do apologize for the candid vocab, dumb.

It's one thing to be confident in what you believe and stand by it. It's another thing to go against actual evidence, or actively make things up, in order to justify why you believe something.


DarkBrandonsLazrEyes t1_j8qu1an wrote

I repair pcs and deal with people in these situations often enough and you are right. Many don't listen, and they think they are too smart to be scammed. Not true for all of them but some of the racist ones get scammed by the people they are racist against and I believe it is because they don't think they can be fooled by the people they hate, so they follow their directions in the scam....

You can get out of so much trouble just by knowing you are capable of being fooled. By knowing things that sound too good to be true, probably are. And above all else, do not fall in love with people you havent met. Everybody should know that, but unfortunately that's a tougher for some.


FightmeLuigibestgirl t1_j8o6mtk wrote

I admit I'm wrong all of the time, especially on SNS, and people act like it's a crime lol.