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CirrusPuppy t1_j8p9ufo wrote

Humanity is not a blight, or a plague, or a virus.

Humanity is fine, it's the handful of selfish cowards that are steering the rest of us directly into danger, death, and destruction all for the pursuit of imaginary numbers on a computer screen that tells them they have greater claim to safety, comfort, and security than everyone else.


iocan28 t1_j8pkp81 wrote

Is that really the case though? I feel like humanity has collective guilt here, and the fact that people aren’t outright taking action, violent if need be, to steer things towards sustainability makes those of us not doing more guilty. Just being part of modern civilization is possibly enough. Saying it’s just a few people doesn’t accurately describe the problem.


Draker-X t1_j8q9rb4 wrote

And the rest of us did relatively nothing while they did so.

The billionaires alone aren't going to melt this glacier, or kill of the bees, or start the Sixth Extinction Phase that some scientists say we're already in. It took billions of people, either actively ruining the Earth or standing idly by while it was done, to do so.

Including you and me.