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chicken_noodle_salad t1_j7xu87e wrote

I’m sure people mean well, but this baby has a family and a history and heritage. Please consider donating resources instead.


notunek t1_j7xvxw5 wrote

That's what I decided to do instead of looking away. The news is all so heartbreaking.

I was planning to buy an area rug for my bedroom but made a donation to Doctors without Borders instead. I'm still sad but at least I did something even if it was not huge.


Blenderx06 t1_j7xym4l wrote

Doctors Without Borders is pretty much the only (international) charity I trust and will donate to without hesitation anymore. Worthy.


notunek t1_j7y0wmj wrote

Yes, and there are thousands of injured over a very wide area so I know they need doctors.


Turbulent_Cause_8663 t1_j7xu31j wrote

How sweet. But she still has family.


dpezpoopsies t1_j7z6xsy wrote

It almost feels a little hawkish to me? People swarming this new child? I don't know. It's good folks want to adopt. I'm probably just overthinking it.


kodaobscura t1_j8i3az0 wrote

I doubt it’s a stretch to think. Children refugees have been handbag accessories to the rich for ages.


grand305 t1_j7y51w2 wrote

They are saying “let’s adopt a kid half way around the world” and not “oh, we can get one local and and maybe one state over” . 🤦‍♀️🤦🤦‍♂️ the entitlement of some people.

If you can donate time and resources to your local charities that support local adoption instead.


noobductive t1_j7yrzbg wrote

People probs just like the story of “our baby was pulled alive from rubble after an earthquake”


sweetpeapickle t1_j819nnd wrote

Two of my nephews were adopted half way around the world-34 & 32 years ago. Don't put down adoption, no matter where.


grand305 t1_j81aij2 wrote

I just say their are plenty of kids needing adoption, if local is not your thing sure, but it’s the family that has to give over rights and such. This child in the article has a family or at least relatives that want to take care of her/him.

Adoption is great if you can afford it. having a baby naturally is hella expensive (usa), I would if I could adoption, but I would weather give to a charity to help off set the financial part to help people find their ideal baby/child/forever home.


-businessskeleton- t1_j7xxnua wrote

I would totally adopt her. But as people are saying, she has family and country. We're some random couple on the other side of the world.


jungles_fury t1_j8176z5 wrote

It's too bad people don't want to adopt kids in their own state


-businessskeleton- t1_j818gbf wrote

It's the tragedy and visibility of this one that's created the response I think. In our own countries they are invisible and for whatever reason it's made an extremely expensive thing to be a part of.

I understand the process and caution involved but not the costs.


BobsReddit_ t1_j7yy4r1 wrote

There's prolly thousands of babies that need adoption - but haven't been through an earthquake. It'd be nice if they got adopted too


dpezpoopsies t1_j7z6qb8 wrote

I was wondering if it was because this is a newborn. Lots of people who adopt want a baby, but most kids in foster care in need of adoption are not babies anymore. No shade on folks who adopt, there are reasons and I'm not here to judge, it's just the reality.


sweetpeapickle t1_j81aa0m wrote

Perhaps because they're looking at the destruction....My nephews were adopted from Manila over 30 years ago, not exactly the best of places then. And only my one nephew had his mum, but she was dying, he was 2, & wanted him to go to a good home.


Shot_Presence_8382 t1_j7xzt0m wrote

I looked EXACTLY like this when I was a baby. I'm also Turkish/mixed ethnicity. This poor sweet girl and so many people who have suffered 💔


housevil t1_j7yes8x wrote

Many hungry people after that devastating earthquake.


thatfreshjive t1_j82exuf wrote

Specifically this baby? Fuck those clout-mongers. They aren't "coming from a good place"


thatfreshjive t1_j82f739 wrote

It's like people who care more about the welfare of animals than humans, and do nothing about how either are treated.