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BroBogan t1_ja9puod wrote

>COLUMBUS, Ga. -- Police have arrested two people — one just 15 years old — in connection with a shooting in a Georgia city last week near the Alabama state line that left nine children injured.

>Police did not release the teenage suspect's name but said he was a “validated gang member” and was taken to a youth detention center on one count of aggravated assault, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. D'Angelo Robinson Sr., 35, was booked into the Muscogee County Jail on eight counts of aggravated assault.

>Police Chief Freddie Blackmon said at a news conference a day after the shooting that an altercation apparently took place at a party nearby and it spilled over to the gas station when the shooting began. Further details were not provided, but Blackmon said the incident remained under investigation.

What kind of party is this where a 35 year old and a 15 year old are both attending?


iMogwai t1_ja9r46l wrote

The 15 year old is a "validated gang member", I think it's safe to say he's frequently involved in things someone his age shouldn't be involved in.


Pholusactual t1_jacyyq0 wrote

Oh, silly me. I forgot about the constitutional distinction between "well regulated militia" and "validated gang member" when it comes to the second amendment.


[deleted] t1_jaacqbh wrote



[deleted] t1_jab77p1 wrote



Go_get_matt t1_jac3hat wrote

There are plenty of impoverished people (and there shouldn’t be, we need to work on that) who don’t encourage children to commit violent acts for their benefit.


walkandtalkk t1_jabs149 wrote

Being serious, we're not just killing every adult involved in a gang.

But I have no problem modifying the human-trafficking laws to cover this sort of behavior and liberally using the RICO statute to have all involved convicted of trafficking children and sentenced to 20-25 years minimum in federal prison.

No amount of street cred will be worth getting out of prison when you're eligible for AARP and the robots have taken over all human decision-making.


shawn_overlord t1_jacvwfh wrote

Oh boy I saw the headline and thought "wait, ga gas station shooting, is that..?"

Yep, it's the one that happened down the street from where I live, oh boy we're reddit famous now. Seems like Columbus is only ever in the news for crime nowadays unfortunately

Before you ask I don't have any extra information about it


Ratemyskills t1_jad222r wrote

You’d think the article would mention Columbus is home to Ft. Benning instead of always saying it’s relative location to Atlanta. We are literally a military town.


shawn_overlord t1_jad881s wrote

also aflac's international headquarters is literally down the street from where this happened


D_REASONABLE_OPPZ t1_jaap5m4 wrote

It's amusing to me how the initial article on reddit explodes with political peacocking and finger pointing but when actual results happen there is almost no care at all.

Just more "gang related" incidents swept under the rug.


TheRogueToad t1_ja9o98r wrote

Uh, did anyone else get an advertisement picturing a young blonde girl that says “Age is no barrier. Trust us.”?

Edit: Here it is


PEVEI t1_ja9t8tq wrote

Merciful fuck, that's a grim ad; any way you interpret it doesn't look good.


DifficultMinute t1_jacpqlq wrote

Advertisement for something called Livebeam.

Looks like it's just another social media streaming site, though I didn't sign up to see if it's anything more nefarious.


thecalamitythesis t1_jaag43m wrote

i wonder if this will be trending elsewhere or get a think piece about gun control?


THETRILOBSTER t1_jabau0e wrote

Why wouldn't it? Guns are a problem in this country whether it's gangbangers shooting each other or cops shooting unarmed victims or another right wing asshole shooting up a club. The problem doesn't change based on who's pulling the trigger, like you seem to insinuating.


Cold-Reflectionz t1_jacjmy0 wrote

I wonder why I keep seeing this posted everywhere since all the rightwing subs on reddit have been telling me the evil media has refused to publish this story, and reddit is deleting everything related to it because of their skin color.
