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hegotthedream t1_j8fp2cw wrote

I can't believe there are people who were serving under trump still working in any aspect of any job that Biden can fire outright


UofMtigers2014 t1_j8fywv4 wrote

There were TONS of people in Washington who worked in government jobs that served multiple administrations. It was actually Trump who broke the mold and him and his cronies went on massive firing spree's to basically rid departments of any liberal minded people.


Kharnsjockstrap t1_j8g6u4g wrote

He literally kept Eric holder and Salley Yates on as AG so if he was doing that he was pretty fucking shit at it lol


UofMtigers2014 t1_j8gbo92 wrote

You’re literally making stuff up. Holder left AG before Trump was even elected back in 2015 and was replaced by Loretta Lynch. Then Yates served as interim AG while the Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions.

Yates was then fired before Sessions was confirmed because she wouldn’t sign off on Trump’s travel ban from Arab countries. That was like a week into his Presidency.


Kharnsjockstrap t1_j8gc2bi wrote

Sorry yeah Loretta lynch not holder. Stayed on for a year into the presidency. Just figured if he was purging lynch would be first to go and Yates wouldn’t have even been sat


UofMtigers2014 t1_j8gdafh wrote

Nope. Yates was the interim after Lynch was relieved after Trump was inaugurated. It went Holder, Lynch, Yates (like a week), some other dude for 3 days, and then Jeff Sessions.


Kharnsjockstrap t1_j8gdfwp wrote

Nope? But yates was AG into 2017 iirc


Drakonx1 t1_j8gkcaz wrote

Lynch was removed on inauguration day in 2017, and Yates was fired on Jan 30th, so 10 days.


PineappIeSuppository t1_j8hypay wrote

Literally nothing you have recalled thus far is correct.


Kharnsjockstrap t1_j8iidfd wrote

Lynch was ag into 2017 that’s all I posted and I get blown up with ass mad reddit posts. Trump left her AG into the next year and left Yates as her interim. Those are both correct statements.


cubedweller t1_j8iitpn wrote

You literally have zero idea what you’re talking about. Yet you keep talking. Lol.


Kharnsjockstrap t1_j8iiyrq wrote

Nah you’re right I’m confused. Post the year lynch left office maybe I’m misremembering.


Ronin_Y2K t1_j8jbhvx wrote

It's cool, friend. The past few years have melted all of our brains.


Some-Redditor t1_j8gqkep wrote

The election was in Nov. 2016 and inauguration was Jan. 2017.


whoelsehatesthisshit t1_j8hcaoh wrote

Inauguration marks beginning of new administration. It takes place ~Jan 20 following the election, so Nov 2016 election = Jan 2017 Trump. The time between the election and inauguration is for peaceful transfer of power.*

*Until recently


shryke12 t1_j8hy25q wrote

Lmao this dude just keeps doubling down on ignorance.


Picture-unrelated OP t1_j8fpcyz wrote

Eh me too but I think it’s just a Washington DC thing, where they don’t want to look like they are doing some massive purge.

Not that I care about those optics, they should just do a purge


hegotthedream t1_j8fr02h wrote

like not even a Janitor or a groundskeeper should be left wonder if they fired the Diet Coke guy yet


Professional-Can1385 t1_j8gxpmn wrote

Washington used to be run this way. The president could fire everyone and put his folks in positions. That’s how you lose all the institutional knowledge a place has. If everyone at the FDA is replaced by new people, then everyone has to be trained and new drugs aren’t approved, food plants aren’t inspected. It’s a nightmare and bad for the country.


Epistatious t1_j8h06uv wrote

Obama kept Comey in as FBI director, even though he was a Bush Jr appointment, and that worked pretty well, especially for Hillary, but really for all of us. /s