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thefugue t1_j82gnsw wrote

Everyone does. The CIA had a project where they were trying to install spy equipment in a cat’s body in the 70s or 80s. A lot of spy craft takes advantage of what people refuse to take seriously. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t.


skrilledcheese t1_j82y1me wrote

Good old project "Acoustic kitty"

>Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t.

It never stops spy agencies from trying weird shit though.

Case in point, CIA project "Midnight Climax", which involved prostitutes and LSD... for reasons.


Inquisitive_idiot t1_j857yot wrote

That’s completely unacceptable.

$20 million dollars and they couldn’t at least come up with:

> “pussy whisperer”

Why even bother at this point 🤦🏽