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[deleted] t1_j8i82vk wrote

But why would they keep it such a big secret? I think most people generally accept that aliens with interstellar travel capabilities are something that is possible. Most people wouldn’t be/weren’t surprised when the government said “yeah, there are some objects flying around we can’t identify why, weird, huh?”

Even if the government verified that beyond a shadow of a doubt these objects were extraterrestrial in origin, I doubt there would be any big upheaval. Most people would believe it, some would think the government was lying, and after a week or two where it was all anyone talked about, life would go on like normal. Maybe with an uptick of interest in astronomy.

Why would every single government in the world agree to keep this knowledge secret? What is the benefit to them?


vibrance9460 t1_j8j1uxb wrote

Major studies in the past have shown society would completely lose it if aliens just showed up on earth. I think there has already been a long steady slow disclosure so that even now people are far more accustomed to the idea.

Imagine Billy Bob in Arkansas, with his shotgun and his family behind him, meeting a strange alien. How would that go? People can’t even handle immigrants from other states. I know that as a Californian I am, right now, almost universally despised in Arkansas. And I am a good American.

Imagine if we suddenly had cold fusion or anti-gravity propulsion, maybe through reverse engineering. Totally free energy.

Imagine what that would do to the oil industry, upon which the world’s economy is based. Like suddenly we didn’t need it anymore.

Again, massive societal collapse.