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Madhavaz t1_j82ck2j wrote

Brett, we've all seen the text messages. You're guilty. Just strike a plea deal and snitch.

“If you were to pay me is there anyway the media can find out where it came from and how much?” 

- Brett Favre, August 2017

PEVEI t1_j82eu7x wrote

The man is thicker than pig shit, without the moral depth of pig shit.


Kreslin t1_j82hltm wrote

Can’t even pronounce his own name correctly.


warheadmikey t1_j85noxa wrote

He’s a republican POS. Well all republicans are scum. He fits right


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j85qelv wrote

Didn't he also supposedly cheat on his wife who was battling breast cancer?


shewy92 t1_j88letc wrote

Ah, the John Edwards Special.

Apparently Favre cheated on his wife multiple times throughout the decades yet she's still married to him for $ome rea$on


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j89zv1d wrote

Well, if they're born-again Christian types, Deanna may stay with him because of the whole religious 'marriage, even a bad one, is until death do you part' mindset. Not saying that's the reason, just one possible one along with the financial security aspect. Their daughters are both grown, so the whole 'staying together for the sake of the children' excuse wouldn't seem to factor in any more.


PollutionEither9519 t1_j82hr99 wrote

someone is advising him to go through with this too. I bet they're charging him a pretty penny too


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j85qw0v wrote

Bad advice from whomever it is. Favre is shortly going to learn about something known as the 'Streisand Effect'. He's gonna rue the day he decided to pursue this. The attorneys repping the people he's sueing might uncover all kinds of dirty laundry and shake loose a lot of ugly skeletons in Brett's closet.


cadomyavo t1_j82tqqy wrote

The gall to sue Shannon and Pat too, it’s dead on what Lance Armstrong did to his accusers. Shameful.


Occasionalcommentt t1_j82qqar wrote

Holy shit I can’t believe Brett Favre can be so irresponsible with his text messages. /s


Cultural_Magician105 t1_j85fje0 wrote

Well, didn't he send "dick pics" to a reporter?


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j85r3to wrote

Just because someone is a great football player doesn't necessarily imply that they possess a Mensa-level IQ or even one somewhat below that level. Favre's brainpower is likely just a few degrees above room temperature.


tretower424 t1_j89ppzv wrote

This ^^^^ a thousand times! The unmitigated gall of this disgraceful POS!


Jatee_100 t1_j82mcvc wrote

Brett is a criminal, but corruption by rich white people is a tradition that is accepted in Mississippi. He will get off scot-free.


LawOroG1029 t1_j8370ao wrote

This is the only comment that is needed for this thread. Thank You!


Other-Bridge-8892 t1_j84oul1 wrote

Favre: Mississippi governor 2026-2034…..


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j85ren1 wrote

Even after the Herschel Walker debacle, I can see Trump promoting this douche to be the next Governor of Mississippi.


InternetPeon t1_j82cuet wrote


Let’s all just agree that Bret Favre deserves the welfare money.

Sure we could feed poor people but we’re talking about a grown man who played with a ball for a living and comes with PR department.


Ratemyskills t1_j851qsi wrote

He only made 100 million dollars playing football, not including endorsement, poor guy.. we should really feel sympathy for him.


ShittyUsername2015 t1_j82oqxv wrote

And he's decided he's going to sue Pat McAfee and some of his boys for talking about his bullshit.

Get fucked, Brett.


ironroad18 t1_j83moj4 wrote

Al Michaels: "And Favre passes to the Governor, who gets stopped at the line of scrimmage."

John Madden's Ghost: "Well you can see here, Favre calls a no integrity audible. He steals from the poor, calls to check to see if it was ok, and then takes off running." "Here you can see the officials simply look the other way."


mangoserpent t1_j84320z wrote

White elites in Mississippi have been stealing and doing deals to steal more forever. I will enjoy watching then face eat one another but will not lead to any type of change that will improve the lives of ordinary citizens there. This was just dumber than usual.


MeppaTheWaterbearer t1_j84wbng wrote

If those citizens wanted their lives improve they should have been playing volleyball with his daughter obviously


mangoserpent t1_j84wlsh wrote

The best way for a Mississpian to improve their live is to leave the state but I would say the same of Tennessee and we are not much better.


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j85rhip wrote

They sound similar to that corrupt, entitled Murdaugh clan in South Carolina.


mangoserpent t1_j85wajs wrote

Yes. Good analogy except in the case of Mississippi it is more than one family.


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j863ft0 wrote

No doubt, and there's probably equivalents of the Murdaughs in other parts of South Carolina as well as in other southern states -- and likely a few US states outside of that region.


Hamwise420 t1_j82jq0m wrote

Fuck Brett Favre, fudge packing POS


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_j85rp66 wrote

'Fudge packing?' Could there be a certain skeleton hiding in Mr. Macho Man Republican Family Value's closet?


TronOld_Dumps t1_j83eat3 wrote

Brett, just text him a pic of your dick. Worked in the past yeah?


theLexingtonKid t1_j84bej9 wrote

Brett Favre is the biggest “welfare queen” ever! POS!


billpalto t1_j840813 wrote

"Feig acknowledged that the MDHS grant funds cannot be used on construction projects."

But if we launder it through another agency, then THEY can use it for construction projects. Nobody needs to know, he added.


theLexingtonKid t1_j84bfgs wrote

Brett Favre is the biggest “welfare queen” ever! POS!


theLexingtonKid t1_j84bowl wrote

Brett Favre is the biggest “welfare queen” ever! POS!


Happypappy007 t1_j84h8i6 wrote

Favre, seems to be throwing haymakers in every direction. One question Brett, did you return the welfare monies to the state of Mississippi?


Newt_Troll t1_j84jxf0 wrote

Man those are some ugly motherfuckers.


GrumpyOldFuq t1_j883fiu wrote

Ugly 1. Ugly 2. Ugly 3.

Inside and out the ugly runs deep with pieces of shit like them.


willit1016 t1_j8ijm0a wrote

piece of crap then we are talking about the biggest piece of monkey crap on god's green earth brett favre what a loser