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the_blackfish t1_jdu0nzt wrote

I'm no conspiracy guy but when I hear Denver Airport I think Freemasons.


xnago_tyr_sires t1_jdu24yx wrote

I think of the terrifying 30 foot tall horse demon statute with glowing red eyes.


2tired2fap t1_jdu31vr wrote

He has a name. It’s Blucifer. He’s already killed once. Don’t make him do it again.


RobertNAdams t1_jdvzpl0 wrote

> He’s already killed once.

I had to look into this to see if it was hyperbole and...


>Luis Jiménez died in 2006 at 65, after a part of “Mustang” came loose while he was working on it. It severed an artery in his leg and he bled to death.


BruyceWane t1_jduspeq wrote

>I'm no conspiracy guy but when I hear Denver Airport I think Freemasons.

Doesn't that make you a conspiracy guy?


Viewtastic t1_jdv4i7f wrote

Google the denver airport conspiracies.

The airport leans into and pokes fun at the conspiracies in a fun way. Entertaining airport for sure.


the_blackfish t1_jdydqfv wrote

Nobody spends money to poke fun at anything back then, this was all purposeful. That's what's so creepy.


TucuReborn t1_jdwk4sq wrote

Except the masons are a real group, just much more boring than Hollywood and conspiracy leads you to believe.


BruyceWane t1_jdwlrys wrote

>Except the masons are a real group, just much more boring than Hollywood and conspiracy leads you to believe.

I know, I used to know a member