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ObreroJimenez t1_jd6vc0a wrote

This isn't new. It genuinely makes me wonder why people still intentionally go into teaching.


ladyluck754 t1_jdaaayo wrote

June, July, august baby… JK. I am not one of those weirdos that gets pressed about teachers getting summers off. If anything they deserve it, and they deserve livable pay.


pstmdrnsm t1_jd85o0o wrote

I teach special Ed and those children are just a delight. I have had very few jobs where I leave feeling so loved. I learn so much from them.


ObreroJimenez t1_jd8f6g7 wrote

Bearing the expenses of post-secondary education and eeking out a living on the average teacher's salary seem like a high cost. I'm glad that you're finding value in it.


pstmdrnsm t1_jd8frcs wrote

Special Education tends to pay much better than general ed. I am fortunate to live in a high demand area for this job and make a much higher salary than most jobs I see in exactly the same field. There are intern programs that have the district t bear a portion of the educational cost because demand is so high. I was fortunate to be a part of one of these.