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[deleted] t1_jcju13h wrote



pmmichalowski t1_jck568f wrote

Just make teachers pay for it, the same way they pay for other classrooms supplies /s


Neither-Idea-9286 t1_jckucv5 wrote

The republicans would pay this before they would give a poor child a free lunch!


RoamingDrunk t1_jclmjqe wrote

As long as the company that installs them “donates” to their super PAC first.


lefthandedrighty t1_jckis1r wrote

And many schools don’t have free lunches. Sure most of them are not great, but some kids don’t have a steady source of food at home and eating lunch at school was at least something.


macweirdo42 t1_jckoomx wrote

That's gonna be problematic if they're too weak with hunger to push the security walls into place.


TheSaxonPlan t1_jcp18hf wrote

MN just signed into law this week free lunches for every child, regardless of income! 4th in the country to do so. There's hope yet!


FerociousPancake t1_jckl57w wrote

Given the number of K-12 schools in the US my quick estimate is 16,000,000 classrooms plus or minus a few million.

So about $960,000,000,000. Just a couple bucks I guess.


debyrne t1_jckwxhb wrote

Imagine that same 60k spread out over 10 years for raises for for the teacher assigned to that room. … I’d be the best teacher in no time


starfirex t1_jcmfxrp wrote

So, $6k extra a year? I mean, that's like an extra $100ish a week it's nice but not THAT nice


Atralis t1_jclm97d wrote

You are forgetting about the kids growing up and realizing their workplace and homes and public places they frequent don't have the super necessary bulletproof safety sheds.

This idea that we should turn schools into fortresses always ignores the side effect that you are telling children they aren't safe unless there are draconian and in some cases ridiculous security measures in place to prevent or mitigate events that odds are would never have happened at their school in the first place.

These kids are going to be afraid to exist in the real world.


cmb15300 t1_jclwue5 wrote

They already are afraid to exist in the real world


Epstein_Bros_Bagels t1_jckpo1h wrote

I'm left thinking how they even work outside the demo they showed. No way they can make clearance in a class with 35 kids


2020willyb2020 t1_jclomwu wrote

Probably his cousin company that set up a company a week before the spending was approved/ started- follow the money and the contacts. Bullet proof walls but no lunch for the kids - sad


Regibiel t1_jcohpgi wrote

And its a good idea untill someone comes with gasolime and a match.


Demonking3343 t1_jcuj8kx wrote

Would be cheaper just to install a lockdown system. Someone hits a panic button and all the doors seal shut.