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SynthwaveEnjoyer t1_jc7vogk wrote

For people who oppose assisted suicide, just show them stories like this. Either we have AS, or we have wives shooting their terminally ill husbands in hopsital beds.


Jacobysmadre t1_jc9iqi3 wrote

You know… my mom had many health problems through her life. But at the end just very recently, I think she was thinking about it. She never got any relief from pain for the last 15 years or so. She just got less and less mobile.

She had sudden cardiac arrest two weeks ago. I think she would have preferred not to go down face first and have me find her at 8:00 in the morning.

It was hard on us, she should have been able to goo with in dignity, without a bunch of people ripping a 77 year old’s nightgown off, etc..


metalshoes t1_jc9kwfj wrote

I’m so sorry. I recently watched my mom die in her hospital bed. Though she was on a high dose of comfort meds and unconscious, it was highly traumatic. I hope the best for you, and don’t be afraid to talk about your pain with others, it helps the grieving process.


Jacobysmadre t1_jcb46bz wrote

Our brains really struggle with these traumatic memories/events. I’m actually doing well, surprisingly.

I think some of that is because of how I see her passing… Just finally not hurting any more.

I hope you are doing well too. Thank you for the kind words.


Ksh_667 t1_jccaaq9 wrote

I’m so sorry your mom went thru this. Mine died within 2 weeks of being diagnosed with cancer & while I was in shock at the time I’ve seen ppl linger years with it & im glad now she went relatively quickly.

My dad otoh died from a series of strokes & was paralysed from the neck down his last 2 years. To my shame he begged me to put a pillow over his face but I couldn’t do it. I was in my early 20s & had never killed anything. I feel awful I let him down but tbh I’m not sure I could do it now. I think him begging me to kill him is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to deal with.


LordoftheSynth t1_jc9lozy wrote

I would never vote to convict this woman If I were on her jury. What should we do, throw her in jail for the rest of her life after she's been through one of the most f**ked up things you can imagine?