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impy695 t1_jd5wvri wrote

Oh, they understood, there's just a lot of people on reddit who don't actually care about police brutality and all the other issues surrounding police.


MGD109 t1_jd5x7zn wrote

Not beyond it getting them upvotes no sadly.


YomiKuzuki t1_jd6qb6w wrote

You mean at all right? I suggest you take s quick pit stop to r/protectandserve to see part of why people on reddit beat point in like how they beat their wives.

Because maybe one day it'll stick to actually hold them fucking accountable for their shit.


MGD109 t1_jd7ioqz wrote

Yeah I wouldn't hold your breath, shockingly jokes on social media don't usually do much to actually make meaningful change.

That usually requires actual effort.


NarcissusCloud t1_jd7oa4r wrote

Well as much effort as you've put in to complaining about people joking, I'm sure you've also done actual work to help with the problem as well? Link me the site you've built to raise awareness? Or show us the evidence of donations to the cause? I mean there has to be more to helping than just shit talking people who make jokes.


MGD109 t1_jd7ov4k wrote

You want me to give you access to my personal details and private finances online?

Yeah as fishing scams go this isn't a particularly good one.


NarcissusCloud t1_jd7pe2i wrote

Nah, I want you to show us something that indicates you're out here doing the good work. I'm sure you've done something worthy that wouldn't require your personal assets to be shared.


MGD109 t1_jd7pkjs wrote

Well how exactly am I supposed to prove I've done it, without sharing my personal information?

Do you think I use the same username for Reddit for everything I do online?


NarcissusCloud t1_jd7qo15 wrote

None of it matters because clearly you've missed the point. The point is, I have absolutely no clue what you do or don't do to support any given cause. The most I could do is search your reddit comments if I cared enough. Just as you have no clue what anyone here has done outside of their comments. Yet here you are calling everyone out for not doing enough to raise awareness. Just because all you see are the jokes, that doesn't mean they aren't doing more.


MGD109 t1_jd7rjcg wrote

I mean your right I don't know what these people do. For all I know they could be dedicated social activists. If they are good for them.

My overall point though wasn't that they weren't doing enough to deal with the issue, more that I felt the jokes were in bad taste and didn't buy the justification that they were "raising awareness."

When its a joke guaranteed to appear on any thread that even mentions the police at least six times, then its safe to say people are already aware.

This is just blatant upvote farming.


NarcissusCloud t1_jd7t4zc wrote

Ok, I would definitely agree with that. I highly doubt any of these jokes are being made with the explicit goal of raising awareness. I would argue that unless you have a large dedicated audience, you're never actually joking to raise awareness. My apologies, I misunderstood what you were going for.


MGD109 t1_jd7tzo1 wrote

Thanks, honestly its my fault I wasn't clear enough what I was complaining about.


NarcissusCloud t1_jd7udlq wrote

Nah, I think it's more mine. It's early and I'm at work so when I read comments, sometimes I see the words but not the intent because I'm just skimming.


MGD109 t1_jd7uudu wrote

Well we've all been there mate. Still its hard to gage intent sometimes with just text.

I hope you have a quick and easy day.