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firem1ndr t1_japge6w wrote

eh probably not that’s just the ones you hear about


asdaaaaaaaa t1_jaq99xo wrote

Agreed. I'd imagine it's like everything else where you're really only hearing about a very small subset of the actual problem, and only the dumbest/most careless get caught.


ChiralWolf t1_jar4mzi wrote

Plus people in authority make a much better story than some random dude no one's heard of. Just happens that in America thanks to decades of sexism, etc. that those positions of authority have been overwhelmingly filled by old white men


fvb955cd t1_jaqznzi wrote

Yeah I woke up one day to a bunch of state patrol and a big "cyber enforcement division" truck outside on a neighboring street. Turns out a guy got busted for possession and distribution. It got maybe a paragraph from the local news blogs and another after conviction. Not a whole lot to say about it, the guy was a nobody. I'm sure that's not unusual that it just goes on in the background and most folks don't notice.


prailock t1_jarbmrs wrote

Yup, used to defend these kinds of cases in the public defender's office. Never had a high profile one. It was pretty much run of the mill kind of people; tech support, mechanic. Normal every day kind of jobs.