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Almostdonehere74 t1_jdgsxrs wrote

Sounds about right. It's never a problem until it affects them. Then it's an issue that needs to be resolved with empathy and fairness. For reasons. (For this asshole, his daughter is being investigated on child abuse charges stemming from her place of employment - a daycare. She sounds lovely.) Edit: Someone else pointed out that the sheriff's 67 year old brother was charged for jacking off/exposing himself in public at a park in late February. Surely that had no bearing on his decision at all, either. Throw the whole bunch away. Ugh.


No___ImRight t1_jdiak72 wrote


>The Tennesse Bureau of Investigation (TBI) today confirmed that Sarah Fuson, daughter of Montgomery County Sheriff John Fusion, is named in a child abuse complaint at Tylertown Learning Center in Clarksville, where she was previously employed.She is accused of shaking a child resulting in serious injury to the child’s head. John Fuson stated today that her situation was part of what led him to stop publishing mugshots on the county website.


jetbag513 t1_jdjazyv wrote

So does his brother:

"67-year-old Darrell Christopher Fuson was issued a citation on March 13 for an incident that occurred on Saturday, February 26, at Rotary Park in Clarksville. Two witnesses told deputies that Fuson was actively masturbating in plain view, approximately fifteen feet from them. Fuson admitted to the activity and was later issued a citation for two counts of indecent exposure."

So, issued a citation on 3/13 for an incident occurring 2/26. I HIGHLY doubt this has anything to do with the sheriff's decision either, right?


Almostdonehere74 t1_jdjd1ox wrote

Nope, no way that affected his decision at all. He's just seen the light is all. /s They sound like a lovely bunch of upstanding citizens, don't they? But if you asked the sheriff, I'm sure he would say that they are good people who just made a few mistakes, and that we shouldn't be so quick to judge. Amazing how these people develop a love for tolerance and patience when it's their family that's involved.


jetbag513 t1_jdjgqac wrote

I bet you these people HATE the digital age. Far harder to make things "go away" like it was when it was paperwork, etc. Still the good old boys network, but it takes some skill and brains to get away with shit like this these days. 2 things most of these fuckwits are severely lacking.


Almostdonehere74 t1_jdjhfxo wrote

Oh absolutely!! At least it's so much easier to shine a light on these people and their shitty actions. They run like cockroaches from being outed as the scum they are. I'm sure there's a ton of behind the scenes complaining about how "it was so much easier back in the day to get away with things". Lot more scrutiny now, which is a good thing. What's depressing, though, is how so many get outed and still continue with no/few consequences.


jetbag513 t1_jdjkrq6 wrote

Right? The shit they pull knowing full well they're on camera (several sometimes) and still don't give a shit is astounding to me. What's really scary is god only knows what went on before the full-transparency age. I shudder to think. That is, when they are even WEARING their bodycams and didn't "forget to turn them on" or "they're not working" bullshit line.


black_flag_4ever t1_jdh6koe wrote

>If you had that perspective — if your child or your mother or your uncle or aunt was being accused of something and an investigation ensues what would you do to protect that person? I know that a normal person would do anything in their power to do.

I’m guessing he didn’t stop to consider how corrupt this statement is coming from a sheriff.


deletable666 t1_jdhwz35 wrote

> "Your eyes are opened more. It hurts me that I didn't have that deeper more personal connection to how those families felt earlier. They've asked me what would I do if it was my daughter. And I told them I know my kids. I know we would do anything to protect our kids. If my daughter was in a situation like that it brings more perspective to it, a more personal perspective."

Why cherry pick the relevant part out of it? You are upset that this sheriff now has more empathy? Do you want him to not stop the practice? He clearly admits that he now can more deeply understand what other families have told him.


black_flag_4ever t1_jdhy8j7 wrote

Because this is not true empathy. This is a law enforcement official stating that he will use his power as sheriff to tilt the scales in his family member's favor. That's a corrupt stance to take.


deletable666 t1_jdhyl8s wrote

> Your eyes are opened more. It hurts me that I didn't have that deeper more personal connection to how those families felt earlier.

He is admitting his mistake, and commenting on that. I just don’t know what else you want. Here we have a person who grew emotionally and also is making tangible changes to law enforcement around it and people are shitting on him. Do people want change or to be upset? I am confused here


black_flag_4ever t1_jdhzw6x wrote

My opinion is that he is not growing whatsoever. This is a PR cover story so he can make a change for his direct family member so that she's less recognizable for the jury and so that the jury won't see any photos of her in an orange suit. If he simply made this decision without a family member being involved I would buy it, but this I don't buy. I wouldn't be surprised if this policy change reverts the second this case is over.


deletable666 t1_jdi1eva wrote

Well the result is they don’t post mugshots anymore which is a good thing.


TheTabman t1_jdiaofi wrote

Yes, it's a good thing for everybody and I have seen nobody here denying that.
But this still doesn't change the fact the this Sheriff did not change course for everybody else - only when this concerned his own family.

And that is nepotism.


Marokiii t1_jdjn1q9 wrote

It's not nepotism. Nepotism is showing favor to friends or family where they are treated differently then everyone else. Since this change effects everyone it's not nepotism.

This is just corruption. He is using his position of power to change the rules so that a family member is saved from some embarrassment. Just because it saves some other people doesn't change it though.


alexbeeee t1_jdhzyjs wrote

The issue isn’t that he grew emotionally, I think everyone can get behind and support individual growth. The issue is the circumstance that caused the growth which is dishonest. It’s one of those situations where he’s not necessarily sorry for the actions but more so because he got caught. No doubt in my mind he’d do it again, and because of that should no longer be in a position of power to make those kinds of decisions if he can’t hold himself to the same standard he holds average civilians. If everyone could block a mugshot we wouldn’t have any out there at all


deletable666 t1_jdi1i01 wrote

No doubt he’d do what again? Make a positive change to law enforcement procedures??


Marokiii t1_jdjmo7h wrote

How about do the change AFTER the investigation into his daughter is done. If she's arrested then have her booking photo released.

This just reeks of him using his power to change rules when it suits his needs.


regular6drunk7 t1_jdhfram wrote

Republicans have a weird trait that they can’t recognize a problem until it’s happening to them. Against gay rights until they find out their child is gay. Against socialized health care until they lose their job and health insurance. On and on, ad nauseum.


PamelaFinklestein t1_jdhyvgt wrote

They often don't recognize the problem even then. Plenty of Republicans have been personally affected by gun violence. They just double down on ideological purity. It's a cult.


massacrefuffles t1_jdgcejp wrote

Always strange to me when it takes something happening directly to someone for them to unlock the empathy achievement.


Daddio209 t1_jdgehvb wrote

That's NOT empathy-it's purely self-serving.


Tail_Nom t1_jdgisds wrote

C'mon... no it's not. It fucking should be, but it isn't. You and I both know dude is just justifying his self-serving bullshit. A petty dictator with (if there is a just and loving god) an impotent, limp dick. Positions of authority should offer no reward; public service should be service.

As it is, law enforcement and public office attract petty tyrants. "No person capable of getting the position should, under any circumstances, be allowed to hold it." It's all fucked up in a very real yet very nebulous way. The best we can do is recognize it, call it out, and recognize as a constituent community that this person has deemed themselves unworthy of the public's trust.


TopBoot1652 t1_jdi8wyv wrote

Reminds of the Robert Heinlien quote "The number one disqualification for a politician should be the desire to hold public office". Paraphrased.


Lou_C_Fer t1_jdh1ncg wrote

This guy does not deserve a public position of trust. The proper timing would be after his daughters picture is published. Not before. You publish her picture, and then admit it ducked. So, now you're changing the policy. You don't do it in anticipation of your daughter being arrested for child abuse.


piTehT_tsuJ t1_jdjtw2m wrote

Don't worry he will have a change of heart in a few months and resume the practice. He will just wait until his family's issues are cleared.


5DsOfDodgeball t1_jdh04tt wrote

Other news outlets say that the accused, Sarah Fuson (daughter of the Sheriff) is accused of violently shaking a baby at the daycare she ran, resulting in serious head injury to the child.

Publish this horrible person's mugshot!


dirtymoney t1_jdh7emh wrote

Sounds exactly like the stereotypical hypocritical cop.


Pablo_DC t1_jdhhpks wrote

Ooh, he needs more stars on his shoulders. #Police imitating military


BeKind_BeTheChange t1_jdhvr7i wrote

He's lying about his reasoning and the claim that he had been considering this for a while. Cops are trained liars, they always lie and this is one reason why they have such a high divorce and substance abuse rates. They are horrible people and they know they are horrible people. It eats them alive, but they can't help themselves...because they are horrible people at their core.


JhymnMusic t1_jdho1wv wrote

Fuck these pathetic ass cops man.


RevB1983 t1_jdi7vwb wrote

Oh look, another cop abusing the power they are given for self-serving purposes. Real shocking. Garbage.


meglon978 t1_jdiu0e5 wrote

Hypocrite in a position of power. SNAFU


justanirishlass t1_jdivbne wrote

We should just get her pic and post it everywhere


teshreve t1_jdlhixk wrote

His decision is probably correct. The reasons for it can be debated. But perspective is super important. Learning through experience should be the norm. Most claim abuse of power, but it is likely less than that. There is more resolution than 2 bits.