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JenMacAllister t1_jasxc7h wrote

All those with drug running skills here's your chance.


BigClitMcphee OP t1_jau2970 wrote

Anyone with a car and free time can make a dishonest living ferrying women to and from abortion clinics really. Where's the HBO show called "The Ferrywoman" about a poor woman who does this for a job, all under the nose of her cop brother?


toomuchtodotoday t1_jauw9mp wrote

If you’re in a state that doesn’t respect reproductive rights and you’re confident you don’t want children in the future, is an available resource.

Medicaid covers permanent birth control if you’re 21 and older with a 30 day waiting period. Any ACA compliant private health insurance plan will cover a tubal or bisalp (their pick) at 100% as preventative care as young as 18.