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_neutral_person t1_jdigf0m wrote

The oil pipelines from Russian to India can only send but so much oil. India and Russia could improve the infrastructure to allow for more oil sales but it would cost money, time, and india would have to start right now because Russia could collapse before it is built making it useless.

India is trying to become a world power. They see removing the USA as the world dominate power as key to achieving this goal. Supporting Russia is part of the plan as any nation in BRICS in theory should be doing. At the same time the consequences of such action should be realized as well.


watcherofworld t1_jdiq5nd wrote

>They see removing the USA as the world dominate power as key to achieving this goal.

Absolute Reddit moment.


CrashB111 t1_jdl4cvb wrote

Especially cause India definitely hates China more than they'd have any desire to "replace" the US.


Red_Meridian t1_jdkz37z wrote

Hate to tell you, but “BRICS” are not an alliance, it was created by Goldman Sacs as a developing market ETF.


Zonel t1_jdkbwwn wrote

There isnt a pipeline russia to india. The oil goes by tanker ships.


Lumpy-Ad-2103 t1_jdl13nb wrote

The majority of new oil imports to India are actually going by tanker from the Baltic ports. This is all of the oil from West of the Ural Mountains. That is the oil that lost its European markets and had to find a new buyer.

India has no interest in “removing” the US as a dominant power. India is part of “The Quad” and their geopolitical goals seem to be fairly aligned with US interests in south east Asia/south China sea.