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Lumpy-Ad-2103 t1_jdl05cm wrote

One of the key points of this strategy is that we can’t afford for ~10 million barrels of Russian oil to leave the market without serious consequences. On top of that much of Russia’s oil would likely be shut down for years if they have to turn off production. This would result in substantial rises in energy costs, huge energy shortages in many developing countries, massive supply chain disruptions and, possibly most importantly, would likely drive a huge wedge into the coalition that is supporting Ukraine.

I don’t know if this is the best option available, but there are so many consequences to just shutting them out that I don’t think that’s the best option either.


imtourist t1_jdlajmw wrote

This might sound unpopular to a lot of people however it is the right thing to do. Having that much oil go offline for years would be a major economic shock to the world and would actually endanger ongoing military and humanitarian support for Ukraine.