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tsvangison t1_jax66dg wrote

There is a story that haunts me to this day. I watched an interview of old Indian men who went through the separation of India and Pakistan. This old man narrates how the muslims were going through Hindu villages raping women and killing anything and anyone in their paths. His entire family hid in bunker of sorts. There were about 8 females with him. The muslims discovered the bunker and were inevitably going to make their way through and kill them. So the men decided to line up their daughters and nieces, and one by one, chopped their heads off. In their mind this was a better way for them to die than to be raped and defiled by the muslims. This man was literally shaking as he spoke about this and he says he vividly remembers the sound of the sword as they did this. Fucking hell, people go through hell on this very earth.