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GamesSports t1_je8rbk6 wrote

Ugh. I hope she never gets out. I know there's some small chance she could be rehabilitated, but it seems so unlikely. More likely is she does the same to children down the line.

I really hope she finds the right psychiatric care to be able to at least get some semblance of a life in a hospital..but god damned I don't think there's much of a chance at her living free and not catastrophically damaging others' lives.


SmashTagLives OP t1_je8rjy0 wrote

I agree. I think, unfortunately and terribly, that certain people are either too far gone, or never “there” To begin with.

If you look at it like a disability it would be like sending someone that blind to jail, and hoping they can see when they get out


Helpful-Substance685 t1_je9z8y9 wrote

"I’m getting so angry and I’m starting to fantasize about hurting people when I get angry." - (cat killer) Aleeta Raugust.

Keep her in hospital care/prison and monitored forever. She said exactly what she was going to do. It's starts with animals and moves to people. Those poor cats!


Meikos t1_je9icky wrote

Sounds like this woman knows she's not right in the head and sought help. It's terrible that she didn't realize that until after killing the cats but at least she did once she started feeling like cats weren't enough.


jadedflames t1_je9vozn wrote

Seriously. Give her the help she needs and lock her up in some nice care facility FOREVER.


EmbarrassedHelp t1_je9w3cj wrote

How the fuck was she allowed to keep adopting cats for so long?


Dry-Peach-6327 t1_jeddntt wrote

This is maddening. I wish I wouldn’t have read this. Someone should break her legs in prison.


SmashTagLives OP t1_jedglzm wrote

I don’t want to offend you, it’s not my intention when I ask this question; Why did you read it?


Dry-Peach-6327 t1_jedhw6v wrote

Because I had to know what she did, even if I knew it would make me angry


SmashTagLives OP t1_jef3b4r wrote

I think they have a saying for that, it’s something like, “Curiosity killed the adopted cats after naming and torturing them”


bannana t1_jear2v3 wrote

Animal torture and killing with fantasies of arson, hope nobody gets confused because this is a woman she needs to stay locked up or she will graduate to killing humans if she is released.


i_cropdust t1_jeclnkk wrote

God, just put her to sleep like we do to animals in pain. We'd all be better for it.


SmashTagLives OP t1_jed8fes wrote

But we put animals to sleep because we love them and don’t want them to feel pain. Why let her off easy?


DerGurrey t1_jeavm5n wrote

I wish you could get the death penalty for this.


FPSPoonzy t1_jeffkbp wrote

Don't care if this individual is rehabilitated in the future. She should be on hold at a mental facility forever. No peals; no deals. No good behaviour. She knows that she isn't right in the head. Why should she be given any tolerance anymore? She would've moved straight to humans for sure. Least she noticed right away post cat homicide.....unfortunately.