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TurningTwo t1_jdb653s wrote

Societies collapse when the gap between the haves and have-nots becomes non-sustainable. Provable back to the Mayans and likely earlier.


Mid-CenturyBoy t1_jdbodr1 wrote

Honestly I just hope that these assholes realize they did it to themselves when their property is nothing more than ash and they have to wait for their insurance payouts and miss out on rent payments.


squatch42 t1_jdcbzoh wrote

Loss of rent is covered.


Mid-CenturyBoy t1_jde1sq3 wrote

🤷🏻‍♂️then idk. Maybe we just salt the earth so they can’t grow anything and these properties look barren and ugly.


OnThe45th t1_jdchbdw wrote

Yeah, until a family dies in the fire. Stop and think before wishing destruction and harm others. The owners would MAKE money if that happened


antichain t1_jdcupl0 wrote

> Societies collapse when the gap between the haves and have-nots becomes non-sustainable. Provable back to the Mayans and likely earlier.

I'd like to see some citations on this. Feudalism lasted a pretty long time...

EDIT: only Reddit would a request for citations be seen as an affront to the hivemind worth downvoting...