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lurkerfromstoneage t1_jc0joef wrote

Same. “Finally” got it late this past January. XBB variant I believe. Think I got it from our gym. I may have had a mild case March 2020 but can’t know for sure. One day woke up, felt headachy and woozy, then by mid day BAM felt like absolute shit. Chills, muscle aches, nausea. Then that was gone the next day but turned to a bad cough. That chronic cough and chest heaviness hit me hard for a solid week. Lost taste and smell too. Difficulty with deep breathing, intermittent shakiness, minor phlegm… looked fine and felt fine otherwise. Got over it after one week but did not recover breathing and some scattered chest tightness for a good month. Healthy, fit, no health concerns, no “vices,” no genetic diseases at all. No, it’s not “mild.” Just because you don’t die doesn’t mean it’s not concerning. You don’t want it. It’s not a normal cold like people say it is (still). I can absolutely see how scary it would be for someone compromised already, not that I ever doubted that. Hope you fully recover asap