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LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebpnux wrote

I live in Phoenix but it's the same thing nationwide. It's really depressing having your city be treated like a drive through for out of towners to pleasure and comfort themselves in.

They do this under the guise of tourist dollars but the benefits never come back to the city. We don't ever see the new community center or high school tourist dollars bring in, because tourists don't actually bring that much money.

Just look at the Hawaiians begging people not to visit.

I don't know what the answer is but modern tourism just absolutely crushes communities. I hate it


Available-Camera8691 t1_jebrtu8 wrote

Tbf, Phoenix is a city that shouldn't exist. It is a monument to man's arrogance.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebsrfp wrote

Not really. This is a comment to how ignorant you are about the abundance of water in the Sonoran desert.

Arizona generates plenty of water to make Phoenix about 4x bigger than it already is.

The water shortage is because we grow outsiders lettuce and alfafa to our detriment. If we cut out those two crops which is like a nothing's to our GDP we'd cut water usage by 65% and the city would have all the water it needs.

But be another ignorant outsider telling me how things are where I'm from and see how it works out for you

Edit: total industrial and residential water usage in Phoenix valley = 18%, agriculture= 82%. Alfalfa and leafy greens grown for export represent the lions share of that 82%


PineCreekCathedral t1_jebt5dj wrote

It's a joke from King of the Hill, but thanks for the info. I actually didn't know that.


Available-Camera8691 t1_jebus6r wrote

Wow. Touchy subject? Called me ignorant twice! Lol.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebvrvl wrote

Kind of, because people tell us all how were so stupid and don't have any water but it's all because corporations and large agriculture have robbed and ruined our natural resources and we are locked in a death battle with them ...

People will be like shame on the people... Who collectively use 8% of all the water in the state...

You get sick of ignorant people telling you that you're life is stupid when it's not


DJBunnies t1_jecv6jf wrote

Bro the joke flew so far over your head it's in orbit around mars.


JoshuaUNT t1_jecl6sa wrote

But I don't think anyone mentioned water though right?


Petembo t1_jedtgfy wrote

Bruh no one here mentioned stupidity or water except you.


YouthInRevolt t1_jed4zks wrote

lol, this guy is really editing to include water use percentages instead of deleting his stupid comment after not getting the joke


GrowHI t1_jebyn9l wrote

Hawaiians don't beg people not to visit. Tourism is one of our top sources of income. While you may have seen a couple viral posts from people telling tourists not to come the majority of us realize it's necessary for our economy and well being. Without tourism we would be a poor state relying on the military spending as our main source of income. Our tourists generally are decently well off given the cost of a flight out here.


bryanisbored t1_jeda0j0 wrote

True but what if the country they’d stolen they had invested in and made them a leader in something and not just tourism that kinda fucks them and not let them develop.


thecrystalegg t1_jedfuq0 wrote

LOL, have you seen Hawaii? What sort of "development" do you reckon they missed out on? Hawaii has something around the 4th lowest poverty level among US states . Oh yeah, they got fucked all right .


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebz1qp wrote

Hey look I'm just saying how i feel, I'm not trying to tell you how to feel, if you like how tourism is you're definitely well within your rights to feel that way.


GrowHI t1_jebz9sq wrote

Doesn't matter how I feel. Your statement is based on a few viral posts and not the sentiment of the vast majority.


Kevbearpig t1_jef4hem wrote

Tells everyone how all the people of Hawaii feel, then proceeds to say they didn't tell you how to feel. LMAO.


BubbaTee t1_jebx79f wrote

>Just look at the Hawaiians begging people not to visit.

If it wasn't for tourism, Hawai'i would've spent the last 50 years impoverished like modern-day Puerto Rico, following the sugar collapse in the 1970s.

I don't see Hawai'ians complaining that they have public schools, or hospitals, or any of the other services that tourist dollars affords them. Tourists dump $18 billion cash into Hawai'i every year (except during Covid, obviously) - that's a lot more than Hawai'ians are putting back into slots at the Cal in downtown Vegas, it's quite the trade imbalance.

It's like the anti-tourism folks don't see the connection between this:

>“I think that it is too easy for people to visit places like Hawaii,” (Kyle Kajihiro, a lecturer at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa) said.


and this (all during Covid, when Hawai'ian tourism was massively reduced):

If tourism is so bad for Hawai'i, why were they begging for money from haoles like Biden as soon as Covid cut off their tourism revenue? Could it be that ~20% of the state's entire GDP actually pays for some important things?


source: mainlander with family in the islands who's sick of their constant monku monku monku about it


bryanisbored t1_jedaid4 wrote

What about all the native priced out? Did they at least finally take the gas out of the water or stop bombing spots the natives consider special or no?


IslandDoggo t1_jee27y5 wrote

I like how you just casually dismiss the people who live on the islands beliefs while admitting you don't live there and also they're you're family ? Weird.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebxmpp wrote

Tourism as it exists today isn't the only way it could work. Pretending like i said no tourism ever then posting your unhinged rant when i said the current system doesn't work well is crazy.

You've gotta be a bot or a bad faith actor, you put this together super fast

You posted all that stuff about money troubles in Hawaii but that's all stuff that is happening under the current system. It's more a statement that tourism isn't bringing the financial relief it claims just like i said.

Because everything you posted about all happened under the current exploitative tourist system


qzdotiovp t1_jecrtd5 wrote

I like Phoenix, but it is extremely car-centric. I don't really see it as a tourist destination since I just go there to see family, but it's been like five years, so maybe things have changed.

What are the major attractions that bring tourists to Phoenix?


squirt619 t1_jec3oge wrote

I never heard that about Hawaiians, got a link for the curious?


a_corsair t1_jec9910 wrote

Random reddit posts by randos. Go to Hawaii and talk to actual Hawaiians and see what they say

(They'll disagree)


astanton1862 t1_jedef5p wrote

> having your city be treated like a drive through for out of towners to pleasure and comfort themselves

This sounds more like ASU


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jef5901 wrote

Not really, i don't care what they do at the University and any university worth it's salt should have out of state residents, especially in the research scientists stuff you wanna pull from all over the world


SafetyMan35 t1_jeef982 wrote

Hawaii was looking for tourists not to come largely because COVID was still a thing at the time and service workers were still locked in quarantine while dealing with active COVID cases.


JPWRana t1_jebrdkn wrote

The answer is higher fees and taxes, along with competent people providing vision and support.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebs8be wrote

Not really.

Fees and taxes just go to make the airport bigger and subsidize tax breaks for more hotel chains.

The money never actually gets invested in the community and call me crazy but communities should exist for the people who live their not for tourists to use as a public toilet


BootyMcSqueak t1_jebq6kr wrote

That’s disappointing. I was planning a trip to Hawaii next year. But we’re not disrespectful asshats, so I hope it’ll be ok to visit?


BubbaTee t1_jebrq1h wrote

You'll be fine. If you're self-aware enough to be worried about being an asshole tourist, you're probably not one.


BootyMcSqueak t1_jec241c wrote

Absolutely not! I know about reef safe sunscreen, we ALWAYS clean up after ourselves (and sometimes clean extra trash that isn’t ours), are always kind and respectful to everyone. I’m proud to teach my daughter about taking care of the earth and being respectful and polite. She even saw some trash that fell out of a trashcan on trash day and insisted that we go pick it up! I was a proud mama that day.


a_corsair t1_jec92vp wrote

Dude, go and eat, travel, and enjoy the beauty that is Hawaii. Just leave everything as you found it. They're wonderful people and the nature is gorgeous


BootyMcSqueak t1_jeci5vb wrote

Thank you! We are very conscious of our footprint when going places. Even when we’re kayaking, we pick up floating trash, never stack rocks, respect wild life, etc. And that’s also what I foster in my daughter. I went to Hawaii when I was 6 and remember it being a magical place (except for the Portuguese Man-o-War stings I got). I can’t wait to finally go back 40 years later.


Peakswashere t1_jebxs6e wrote

Yes absolutely. Hawaii is an awesome place. Just be respectful.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_jebrr4v wrote

There's lots of reasons, im not Hawaiian so I'm not going to say what is and isn't okay to do on their ancestral land but i think people all just reevaluating things, like do we really need tourist dollars? Especially when the money just goes to some nameless faceless international corporation.

If my money stayed in Phoenix A+ idea, but it doesn't, and it gets tiring watching Midwest Becky come down here and get stupid for a week and tax the fuck out of the infrastructure and pretend like the damage she did is outweighed by the 45$ of taxes we got off of her


BootyMcSqueak t1_jec2c81 wrote

That’s so funny as I’m in the east Valley - we’re transplants from FL and only been here in AZ for 2 years. Haven’t had an experience with AZ tourists, but as a FL native, I am all too familiar with the breed of tourist you speak of.


a_corsair t1_jec9131 wrote

Dude, go and eat, travel, and enjoy the beauty that is Hawaii. Just leave everything as you found it. They're wonderful people and the nature is gorgeous