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musluvowls t1_jdu7p5f wrote

Today I logged on to Twitter and I saw two Tweets from fucking Catturd and a bunch from Andrew Tate. Do I follow them? FUCK NO. Elon is a fascist prick, and I hope it all burns to the ground.


Vecna_Is_My_Co-Pilot t1_jdugjgv wrote

You should know that Musk calls himself a Free Speech absolutist. So he has absolute freedom to deliver you any speech he desires. Clearly he wants to locate the leaker of this source code so he can congratulate them on exercising their absolute right to free speech as well. Don't you too want to have absolute speech? It's free!


phluidity t1_jdv91qw wrote

> So he has absolute freedom to deliver you any speech he desires.

I mean, from a legal and even somewhat moral point, he does. He owns the platform and has the right (especially now that it is private) to use it to spew his nonsense. What he doesn't have is the right to make me read it. I am perfectly free to walk away and let the man baby rant to his sycophants. Musk has never understood that the users aren't the customers, they are the product, and this product doesn't need him.


Hrodebert1119 t1_jdvf36a wrote

I did. I don't miss it. It caused so much anxiety. I muted so many words and they would just sneak on through anyway.


NatashaBadenov t1_jdwge98 wrote

Twitter was invaluable for quick organizing (IMO that’s the reason it was destroyed) and the American holiday tweets are something I will sorely miss. However, I never made any real human connections there, and like you, my anxiety was through the roof. I cut the cord, so to speak, months before Mersk even floated the idea. I am a much more relaxed person now.


[deleted] t1_je17w7e wrote

It connected me to a lot of people and a lot of opportunities in the early days. I don’t think I’m overstating it to say that a large chunk of my success can be traced back to using Twitter effectively back in 2008-2012. However, it recently occurred to me that it’s given me nothing but downside and stress since 2015 or so. I nuked my account a few months back and I’m shocked how little I miss it.


whatsinthesocks t1_jdvt0rs wrote

> You should know that Musk calls himself a Free Speech absolutist.

Only for himself. Anyone else must have his approval or they get censored.


pegothejerk t1_jdvalvn wrote

> It's free*

*With subscription


billpalto t1_jdvb670 wrote

My favorite: "You can get second one free! (just pay a separate fee)".


Villager723 t1_jdvm6y9 wrote

"Twitter needs to open source the algorithm"

(one year later...)

"No, not like that!"


Mr_Piddles t1_jdv00p7 wrote

Social Media is like a garden, it needs constant pruning. Block shit you don’t want to see on sight, and the algorithms will 1) get the message and 2) you’ll stop seeing the same arguments popping up every other day.


ClassicCodes t1_jdv181i wrote

I tried this before I left Facebook and realized there was nothing left I cared to see.


Mr_Piddles t1_jdvas7f wrote

Facebook sucks in general, IMO. I found that unless you're following interesting people, and you like your family (and they don't just rage and aggrieve post), its a really garbage platform. It's best use is as a calendar.


ClassicCodes t1_jdvhlzb wrote

Social media in general sucks. It's full of people with attention-seeking problems, scammers, or groups trying to indoctrinate you for political or commercial purposes. Social media platforms exist primarily to steal and sell your personal information to advertisers since that is their only real revenue stream. You aren't the customer, you are the product being sold to advertisers and big data companies.


gpyrgpyra t1_jdvk4g4 wrote

Facebook is good for groups about specific things in specific locations. That's about it


arcticblue t1_jdxndqi wrote

It's even worse now with how aggressively they shove garbage "reels" in your face. All the reels I've seen have been incredibly stupid clickbait or just some dumbass video of a pretty girl staring in to the camera or taking her underwear off under a long shirt. I have yet to see a reel that is actually entertaining or funny and it's become so annoying that I rarely even log on to Facebook any more.

Also, I aggressively clicked the "Don't show me this page" link on every single "Suggested post" a couple years ago while also browsing in a container tab in Firefox. Evidently if you deprive Facebook of enough metrics to collect on you, you run the risk of getting banned without warning for "not being your authentic self". They demanded a government ID from me, then ignored me. It took me almost 6 months to get my account back. If it weren't for the fact that I had some baby pics of my kids uploaded there with no other backup, I would have just left it banned.


WhiteHairedWidow t1_jdzx6gp wrote

Lol y’all are freaking out at his platform but aren’t doing the one thing to cause some damage..delete your twitter accounts.


Aazadan t1_je27dd8 wrote

I would if I could, but I never made an account and I don’t visit the site.


rikki-tikki-deadly t1_jdv9zz3 wrote

Except these days it's different because Space Karen keeps running around shitting in your garden.


Mr_Piddles t1_jdvag36 wrote

I just keep blocking and muting. My twitter is mostly still really fun and pruned to my interests.


ogipogo t1_jdx7836 wrote

That's funny because I keep hearing from all of the people that have tried blocking the trolls and still see the posts in their feed.


Mr_Piddles t1_jdxbgsn wrote

I’m not saying that they’re wrong, but it hasn’t noticeably happened to me. Except for when Elon force unblocked people. But then I went and blocked him again, and it stuck this time.


bloodylip t1_jdvnsg6 wrote

In theory that's how it works. But it doesn't take into account that the platforms can and do push shit that pays for it. I try to keep my instagram pruned but for some reason, it continually pushes right wing accounts into my discovery tab, regardless of how many I block and mark as "not interested." I don't even interact with any political posts but it still pushes that shit at me.


HeBoughtALot t1_jdx75wp wrote

I have been telling Twitter, for years, that i don’t want to see content related to politics. I have “I’m not interested…” trending topics and suggested Tweets to no end. It used to work. Ever since Space Karen took over Twitter i get served so much bottom of the barrel political garbage, its clear to see that user pruning has been disabled.


z500 t1_jdvvzdd wrote

Yeah that actually has the opposite effect on Facebook ads. Apparently blocking counts as engagement.


Aazadan t1_je28s1t wrote

Blocking counts as engagement on every platform, even spam mail counts unsubscribing as being worth the same as reading it.

The only impactful way to block is client side, so that it looks to the server like you’re not engaging at all. Anything you do that tells them to not send you data generates value for them.


jeffderek t1_jdwhwrt wrote

>the algorithms will 1) get the message

[ Citation needed ]


jwm3 t1_jdxt115 wrote

Unfortunately there is now a finger on the algorithm at Twitter so that is less effective.


Mr_Piddles t1_jdy6a5i wrote

Everyone is saying this, but I haven’t experienced it. Maybe y’all just really love fighting and ranting about politics and don’t want to see any dissenting opinions, whereas I don’t want any of that, so I block it all.


Anon_throwawayacc20 t1_jdvtsxy wrote

>Today I logged on to Twitter and I saw two Tweets from fucking Catturd and a bunch from Andrew Tate. Do I follow them? FUCK NO. Elon is a fascist prick, and I hope it all burns to the ground.

Social Media websites use tracking cookies to analyze and match your trends.

Considering so much of your post history on reddit involves politics, are you absolutely sure that you aren't triggering Twitter's algorithms? Are you sure you are not looking at posts involving politics, or watching youtubers involving politics? Eg. Watching drama youtubers who cover figures like Tate and do "takedown" videos on them? Likewise, are you engaging with users who follow or mention Tate? Because that could be why you are seeing it.

Please answer the question. I am not asking in bad faith, I am not concern trolling, I'm not saying this to contribute to the "culture war". It's not a defense of Elon either. No, this isn't to "poison the well", nor' am I "making the dreamworks face", as some youtubers would put it. (However it is annoying I must clarify all those points.)

I'm simply asking this as a legitimate question about how the algorithm works? Is the reason you are seeing Tate not because you keep engaging with that kind of content?

Are other users here having this same issue, even those who do not engage with political content?


NatashaBadenov t1_jdwhqhl wrote

It’s impossible to avoid the algorithm if you speak or allow any audible media around your phone/device. It hears everything.


Deceptiveideas t1_jdx9eh9 wrote

Iirc it was revealed that Elon was upset his tweets weren’t showing on feeds anymore (due to high # of blocks and unfollows) that he forced the engineers to change the algorithm.

This means controversial accounts with high block counts are no longer being hidden by the algorithm and possibly even boosted.


acuet t1_jdv4eyy wrote

Sakes, also their cars are misaligned POS.


calibrono t1_jdwngcq wrote

Why do you subject yourself to the "For you" tab instead of the "Following" tab?


serenity195 t1_jdwnw5k wrote

It’s obvious that they are begging to be trapped in an echo chamber where they exclusively see things they already know and agree with. Left-Wing Qanon


Meph616 t1_jdy7e83 wrote

>Today I logged on to Twitter...

Well there's your problem. You logged on instead of deleting.


DelTeaz t1_jdx6rxh wrote

Yea the algorithm has clearly gone to the right


[deleted] t1_jdui2re wrote



musluvowls t1_jduifzz wrote

The fuck it hasn't. He puts vile shit on all our timelines all the time in his lame attempt at trolling. I've been on Twitter since 2009 and the place went to shit under Elon. Elon is a fucking idiot who allowed his goddamn OBSESSION with trolling libs to cost him AT LEAST $30 BILLION. If you don't think that fucking moron is amplifying fascist morons like CATTURD then you are as idiotic as he is. Just to test things out, I just did a fresh login to Twitter and you know who I got? Kimberly Fucking Guilfoyle. GROSS DUDE. Who would ever follow that disgusting person?


OnDrugsTonight t1_jduriqn wrote

That's really blatantly untrue. Ever since Musk has taken over, right wing accounts get promoted to my timeline at an absurd rate, to the point that they sometimes make up 50% of the timeline. The only interaction I have with them is clicking the "mute" button, and yet they come. Either they are all specifically paying for the privilege of being displayed to me, or the algorithm has developed an insane bias in that direction.


sofaslippers t1_jduv11w wrote

Nah bullshit. I created a new Twitter account only for the purpose of following 2 people that have no relation to politics. Twitter now shows me tons of right wing propagandists. That’s basically the only thing I would see, even after I continuously note that I’m not interested in tweets like that. Off your knees.


[deleted] t1_jdufdfe wrote



musluvowls t1_jdug2my wrote

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality

Choose your poison. Either way, Elon fits it.


[deleted] t1_jdug77e wrote



musluvowls t1_jdugfmf wrote

I didn't say he banned me, I said he subjected me to FUCKING CATTURD and ANDREW FUCKING TATE. Both are disgusting individuals I want nothing to do with and never followed, but yet, I have to deal with both on my Twitter feed all the fucking time. Here's an expert explaining: “Elon Musk sent up the Bat Signal to every kind of racist, misogynist, and homophobe that Twitter was open for business,” said Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the Center for Countering Digital Hate. COVID-19 and other domestic and foreign disinformation and QAnon conspiracy posts are surging.


[deleted] t1_jdugn0x wrote



musluvowls t1_jdugt7i wrote

Catturd and Andrew Tate are vile, beyond saving. Tate will likely never get out Romanian prison for sex trafficking, and most people are pretty sure Catturd is a vile pedophile from Florida (just Google it). No one wants to see or hear from those disgusting losers. So yes, if he is forcing them onto our timelines, he is a maladaptive fascist.


[deleted] t1_jduh2k1 wrote



Apocalypsox t1_jduh6mf wrote

If you aren't angry about literal human traffickers, you're a fucking problem too.


[deleted] t1_jduhb7p wrote



[deleted] t1_jduhjd0 wrote



Mine-Shaft-Gap t1_jdusfj7 wrote

Again, "go out and touch grass". Is something people say when they have nothing valuable to add, but want to get the last word in. You have no argument. Weak attempts at chirping is all you have.