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Brexsh1t t1_jdujelf wrote

It’s laughable to compare what’s happening in France, with that which is happening in Israel. In France, Macron raised the pensionable age by a couple years, in Israel its a power play and attack on democracy.

Also Macron has his hands tied, France like most of the west has an aging population. Old people need carers and a country needs infrastructure and enough skilled tradesmen to maintain and improve it. It’s either raise the pensionable age or actively seek mass migration into the country and let’s face it, because of populist politicians that’s not something that’s going to happen


musluvowls t1_jdukzh6 wrote

The raising of the retirement age was just the spark in France. That isn't why French youth are uprising. It's because of income inequality and the massive bullshit that's been rained down on workers in every way possible. These protests are linked, and I hope they fucking spread.


[deleted] t1_jdvl1do wrote



[deleted] t1_jdvooc6 wrote



[deleted] t1_jdvp1pe wrote



jackp0t789 t1_jdvvn8z wrote

They have mixed economies as they've realized they can take the good parts of some socialist theories like a strong social safety net, empowering strong unions, and regulating commerce and industry to safeguard against the worst of unrestricted/ unregulated capitalism to protect their people and environment while allowing for much of the free market to exist as long as the rules and regulations are followed.


PatientCriticism0 t1_jdw26lc wrote

The Nordics are capitalist when describing their success. They are socialist only when explaining why we shouldn't emulate them.


[deleted] t1_jdvpm7i wrote



6a6566663437 t1_jduzai8 wrote

France’s pension system has a problem in about 20 years, for about 5-10 years. After that blip, there is no funding problem.

Permanently raising the pension age isn’t the only way to solve that temporary problem.


[deleted] t1_jdv71vq wrote



Delamoor t1_jdvck8r wrote

God, if only there was a way of importing workers and not having to rely solely on local birthrates to solve long-term demographics issues.

We could call it... 'shimmigration'.


[deleted] t1_jdvwuj6 wrote



[deleted] t1_jdw7wad wrote



[deleted] t1_jdwajre wrote



[deleted] t1_jdwbh6x wrote



[deleted] t1_jdwmdlb wrote



6a6566663437 t1_jdx511i wrote

The “burden” on those younger workers is money in this case.

2 additional years of work isn’t going to fix that nursing home care problem you’re worrying about.


Falkner09 t1_jdwvua3 wrote

False. He gave big tax cuts to the rich, then claimed the people need to sacrifice to be responsible. Classic neoliberal bullshit.


PM_ME_UR_TRIVIA t1_jdxf2di wrote

This is an extremely narrow view of what’s happening in France and omits crucial context which pretty much negates what you’re arguing