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flounder19 OP t1_jegcs7b wrote

This situation was the subject of a AP investigation previously.

Essentially, the marine decided to adopt an orphaned Afghan child despite her being given over to her next closest relatives. When the US pulled out of Afghanistan, he helped them escape under false pretenses. then once they arrived in america, he revealed that he had gotten an adoption order for the child in virginia (based on false testimony) and stole the kid.


photofool484 t1_jeglx8e wrote

As a Marine Middle East veteran (enlisted), this reeks of an overbearing, self righteous officer (and wife). Dealt with these types before. They know better than everyone else.


Bathemael t1_jegp68o wrote

If this ruling goes against him, could he then end up charged by the marines, whether for kidnapping, or possibly falsifying documents, fraud, etc?


photofool484 t1_jegtuwj wrote

Based on what the child’s family is claiming, he should be charged and if convicted, not just drummed out of the Corps but do some actual time for it.


Ok-Pomegranate-3018 t1_jeh22uz wrote

Someone needs to expedite her removal from this asshat and bring her back to her family. Children in contentious custody battles sometimes "disappear" here. Hope she gets to her family and he is court martialed!


Shell4747 t1_jegduet wrote

This is the right decision & should have been done years ago, jfc

I'm actually surprised by this decision, I assumed injustice would continue unabated until the child graduated from high school at least


flounder19 OP t1_jegecr1 wrote

also pretty fucked that they still have the kid under a temporary custody order even with the voided adoption. Not sure what would need to happen next for the real family to actually get her back.


tadpole511 t1_jegyomt wrote

"Adopted" needs to be in the heaviest of quotes. Those disgusting, entitled assholes kidnapped her, lied to her family, and manipulated their way through US courts to get their way. And they still get to keep her and have a chance at arguing their case. That poor girl needs to be returned to her family, and Mast needs to be dishonorably discharged and he and his family need to face criminal charges for their actions.


Brodman_area11 t1_jeh3kl8 wrote

He decided to “adopt” her so she could be rescued in to Christianity, saying she had no relatives, while paying for said relatives medical bills, and refusing to reconnect them once they made it to the US?

Surely part of this story is missing. No one is that cartoonishly evil.


psly4mne t1_jeh5kb9 wrote

The missing part is that they did that after killing her parents. US soldiers are that evil.


Uncle_Redleg t1_jeh00ao wrote

Well, when

  1. a religious wacko decides it is their Christian duty to take a Muslim child as their own

  2. lies about the child being the orphan of a killed Taliban fighter

  3. falsifies paperwork stating the government of Afghanistan has agreed to the adoption, and

  4. steals the child from the country during the confusion of the Taliban retaking control of the country

it tends to look bad to the judge reviewing the case.


ScaledFloof t1_jegrx4p wrote

Kidnapping and attempt of cultural erasure by a selfish couple.


Relevant_Quantity_49 t1_jeh5egw wrote

Sadly that is as American as apple pie.

>In the 1950s and ’60s, as the American Indian boarding schools fell out of favor, a new wave of assimilation policy went into effect: adoption of Native children into white homes. The Indian Adoption Project, which ran from 1958-67, was a partnership between the federal government and the Child Welfare League of America and churches around the country whose stated goal was the adoption of Native children by white families. At the time, “matching” of adoptive children with their adoptive parents was a common practice, meant to allow adoptive parents to pass their children off as biologically related. “One little, two little, three little Indians — and 206 more — are brightening the homes and lives of 172 American families, mostly non-Indians, who have taken the Indian waifs as their own,” a 1966 Bureau of Indian Affairs press release boasted. > >By the 1970s, the removal of Native children to white families was so widespread that, when the BIA commissioned a federal task force to research the phenomenon, it found that 25% to 35% of Native children around the country were removed from their homes, and 85% of those children were adopted by white families. ICWA was created in response to the report, and Congress passed the law in 1978.


zumera t1_jegtbu3 wrote

Why give them custody? Why give them a chance to re-adopt? Give her back to her family.


EasternMotors t1_jeh0nym wrote

>The Masts told Virginia Circuit Court Judge Richard Moore that she was the daughter of transient terrorists who died in the fight, and thus a stateless orphan.

This is the same war crime that Putin has been charged with by the International Criminal Court.


edenaxela1436 t1_jegf4if wrote

Thank fuck. This whole scenario was completely fucked


sherm39 t1_jeh2as5 wrote

Used to be a lot of this during the time when the US was fomenting the repression in the South American southern cone. Elites stealing the children of the poor. Now the Americans do it themselves. Creeps. The world watches.