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Icy_Comfort8161 t1_jdxfo9g wrote

I suspect that the condo was just the flashpoint, and that Diaz was a "cluster B" personality type (narcissist, psychopath), manipulative, exploitative, entitled, sadistic, and lacking empathy. Narcissists see other people as "things" that are relevant only insofar as they are useful to them. When a narcissist loses their their narcissistic "supply" (which can be almost anything, e.g., a spouse, girlfriend, etc.), it can cause narcissistic injury and cause the narcissist to see their ex as the enemy and cause them to want to destroy them. A disturbing strategy is to try to destroy them personally, professionally, and financially, and drive them into a pit of despair so that they kill themselves. If the narc succeeds, it makes them feel important. In their minds they think "I was so important to this person that they couldn't go on living without me." They're highly disordered people that manipulate and exploit people. It's good to see one get caught.


Mississimia t1_jdyjzse wrote

I had an ex with BPD who falsified a bunch of abuse allegations against the mother of his kid to get sole custody.

He honestly thought the ends justified the means, he decided she was just a bad person and that she deserved anything bad that he could do to her.

Makes me sick and also makes me more than a little worried the cops may still show up at my door one day. Wish I had never even met him.


jereman75 t1_jdypa4e wrote

This is a lot like my ex wife. When I met her she was recently divorced and told me about how abusive he was, raped her, etc. I didn’t pick up on the narcissism because I honestly thought her ex husband was an abusive asshole. She tried to plan some insane things to get back at him and I just thought it was because he was so terrible and had gotten away with crimes. I felt she was justified. Fortunately I never got involved with any of her schemes. Fast forward to me divorcing her years later and she starts accusing me of things I never did. Crazy things, not just exaggerations. She also probably has a BPD diagnosis but won’t admit it. I’m glad to be divorced from her but I’m still a bit fucked up from it all.


Mississimia t1_jdyve2b wrote

Happy cake day and sorry about your shirty ex wife.


jereman75 t1_jdywoqd wrote

Thanks. What you described is so similar. A lot of the motivation was for custody of a child. She thought the ends justified the means no matter what she did.

I guess I commented because it may not just be money that was the motivation for that psycho. People like that have such fragile egos and such little empathy that they feel justified doing whatever they want.


Rooboy66 t1_je12ltd wrote

You just described my ex wife and then, 5 years later, my ex girlfriend of 3 yrs. Thankfully (and surprisingly) after a truckload of therapy, I am now with a wonderful, warm and generous person.

Btw I have two psych degrees (so shit can happen to anyone, regardless of how insulated from pathology one might feel because of relevant education)


throwaway661375735 t1_jdzky09 wrote

Too bad they don't do psychological personality tests to join the police force. Maybe if they did the test that a certain Slavic country did, they could root out the bad actors quicker. The test, give someone acid and a gun, then watch them react under pressure.