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voicareason t1_jd0izb5 wrote

Is cold, see soup. Somehow get in trouble


MajesticOuting t1_jd0j5j5 wrote

That headline is so close to leopards eating people's face.


Professional-Can1385 t1_jd0k2am wrote

Reminds me of my sister's cat attacking playing with my head, except more opportunity for death.


DaddyBobMN t1_jd0mp9l wrote

"Cougar paws at man in hot tub" must've been too risqué.


Nativesince2011 t1_jd0q1sf wrote

There’s nothing more juxtaposed to chilling in a hot tub than getting attacked by a goddamn big cat


TherealTechman86 t1_jd0yhm3 wrote

What a shitty article to not include the town or area, just Colorado?


IPeedOnTrumpAMA t1_jd0zd4m wrote

It's all fun and games until you try to head dunk a mountain lion in the water.


_Levitated_Shield_ t1_jd16zw7 wrote

Watch how Universal will make a film about this in upcoming years and have it crossover with the cocaine bear.


CuriousHeffa t1_jd19bq1 wrote

Not the "Find Hot cougars in your area" he expected.


jawshoeaw t1_jd1kv6z wrote

Sous Vide has become more popular in cougar culture so this doesn’t surprise me


Berdarien t1_jd1l5pb wrote

Interesting that the wounds were purely superficial. Glad the guys ok.


Xenolithium t1_jd1m74f wrote

Wonder if the hot tub chemicals confused the cat and didn't realize they were prey? Either way, fuck that.


AMBIC0N t1_jd1odr4 wrote

Some cats like their humans slightly poached


Complete_Entry t1_jd27xaj wrote

Stew not ready, it keeps screaming.

Khajit is impatient!


macweirdo42 t1_jd2a7hz wrote

Let's be fair, who doesn't enjoy a nice hot bowl of Stu after coming out of the cold?


thevacancy t1_jd2mx4a wrote

What a 'cat' move. "Fuck your hot tub and fuck you." For like no apparent reason.


jelder t1_jd2pcwx wrote

Well if he didn't want to be eaten he shouldn't have marinated himself.


zavatone t1_jd2tzx1 wrote

The mountain lion was checking to see if he was properly tenderized.


beaverfetus t1_jd32wn5 wrote

This is among the worst possible outcomes when soaking in a hot tub


Tapingdrywallsucks t1_jd34fjw wrote

yeah, it took 2-3 extra clicks to find the town.

For anyone thinking that's trivial, for one, Colorado is big. Second, this is unusual behavior (although growing more common), and that lion will continue to be way too unafraid of humans and must be captured. They're also territorial, so this lion won't be wandering too far and folks in other towns should be able to use their hot tubs at night without too much fear.

That said, mountain lion behavior is seems to be changing kind of rapidly, so who knows how far this cat will go for stewed human.


justhereforsee t1_jd3a1ga wrote

When you are cooking yourself you are making it easy for the cat


Wingnutmcmoo t1_jd3ep5d wrote

Tbf whenever a colorado state wide news reports on a mountain town its always referred to as a "Colorado town" in the headline or opening words of all reports here for as long as I've been alive. So it's just how we do it here cause even we don't bother to learn the name of every Nederland or Southpark

The mountain lions attacking people isn't that unusual for at least the decades I've been here. I personally know a number of people who've have very close run ins with unafraid mountain lions around here the past 30 years. It may be happening more but it's simply to be expected due to what we're doing to their homes (the same thing is happening with all the animals around here).

Currently I still worry about running into a moose or a scared deer more than a mountain lion (I tend to try to keep my head up for all the wildlife of course) as I and people I know have had many more close calls with moose, elk, and deer up in the mountains than the mountain lions.

Would be nice if we'd just stop fighting for space with them and just let them have more breathing room


MrKahnberg t1_jd3fzc0 wrote

There's a hiking trail just south west of Montrose. If memory serves it's Spring Creek canyon. The trail goes so close to a puma den you can smell the scent they spray to mark their territory. I never saw one except very briefly crossing the main road in Beaver Creek. I know 3 people who poached pumas.


jetbag513 t1_jd3gpd4 wrote

"Colorado man in hot water after encounter with cougar."



Slootyman t1_jd3hhtd wrote

When you live in the wild what do you expect. I live in CO and would never live in a remote area like that. Also never hike alone or trail run alone unless it is a popular area. We live in their territory, wish people would respect that.


Lazy_SSJ_God t1_jd3vih9 wrote

Mountain Lions have been a pain in the ass in grand county since I was born.

It's not unusual for a large predator to try to intimidate us off the mountains. It's their habitat we are invading.

A girl in the 90s was killed by one while fishing off a dock up here. Very common in the mountains.


Cool_dingling t1_jd7j5ho wrote

probably thought he died and was tring to get a meal, happened to me before.