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SeaworthinessEast999 t1_jdrxtgu wrote

This reminds of that time a crazy ass republican told everyone the reason tornados and other scary weather happens is due to having gay friend and family. So you really gotta think for a minute, exactly how many gay people are in Georgia right now?

Anyways, I thought it was fair to bring that up because between humor and sadness being the last two emotions I got left by this point, I'd rather laugh than cry at this point


smellemenopy t1_jdsjx9p wrote

Have you been to Atlanta? There are A LOT of gay people in Georgia.


Jollyman21 t1_jdsohly wrote

"How many times we gotta teach you this atlanta lesson old man?!"


Lukescale t1_jdv07c6 wrote

Most are just culturally Southern, being from....the South. So we know how to blend in, and just enjoy ourselves at home or in our pine forest alone.

There is plenty of butt fuckin in the South, always has been.


Dblreppuken t1_jdwbt5w wrote

This is the most country response in this thread and I love it (and you) for it.


Abide no hatred.

Continue the butt fuckin


Lukescale t1_jdwcfqt wrote

Oh not me I'm Ace.

Doesn't mean I'm not gay, but Ace.


Heiferoni t1_jdt0n49 wrote

I remember Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell blaming 9/11 on gays and women:

> The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad.

> I really believe that the pagans, and the *abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularise America, I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"

> To which Mr Robertson said: "I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government."

Real class act, those guys.


orangecountry t1_jdtga2m wrote

"My hate is God's love" is the rallying cry of religious fundamentalism in all its forms. It never makes sense and it's never okay, but I imagine it feels really good or something.


8yr0n t1_jdtjc3y wrote

We are an anomaly in an infinite uncaring universe that can snuff us out in numerous ways and these assholes would rather us tear each other apart than to work together and help each other to preserve humanity.


PPvsFC_ t1_jdtrn9p wrote

Atlanta is the gayest city in the country.


bdubdub t1_jdu1gzn wrote

It depends on how you measure it, but Atlanta isn't considered to have the most gay people. If you measure it by the percentage of the city's population, it's San Francisco at 13%. If you look at total number of gay people, NYC is the gayest with 272k LGB people.


PPvsFC_ t1_jdu2wbd wrote

Fair enough, I'm working off of remembering something my gay family members in ATL told me.


pennyswooper t1_jdvk9fi wrote

Shoot all san francisco has gotten this year was biblical rains and a small bomb cyclone. I gotta move to Atlanta if thats where all the gays be these days.


[deleted] t1_jds1eyh wrote



[deleted] t1_jdsf1yi wrote



[deleted] t1_jdsux9g wrote



Patriot009 t1_jdtmeip wrote

The hail was not kind to my young cucumber plants. This is right after a freak 3 day period of frost warnings in late March, which never happens.


xdeltax97 OP t1_jdrpi6e wrote

Had to repost this due to some weird issue with the link


scottreds2k t1_jdt90iu wrote

I need reading glasses. I thought it said "An extremely dangerous tomato strikes GA". What the heck makes it so dangerous?


alexxerth t1_jdsca0o wrote

Treacherous is an...odd word to use there...


RachelRTR t1_jdto7i7 wrote

Why? In addition to the deception angle, it is also defined as, "(of ground, water, conditions, etc.) hazardous because of presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers. "a vacationer was swept away by treacherous currents.""


alexxerth t1_jduhr58 wrote

I mean it's obviously predictable, and it ain't exactly hidden.


Dblreppuken t1_jdwcfxe wrote

I think it's referring to the lines of storms that we see more frequently that can be easily dismissed as "just another" thunderstorm and then you see the dog leg on the radar form far too quickly and far too late for anyone to really act


Masrim t1_jdvntj2 wrote

Why do you rarely ever hear this is god's punishment when it hits the south?


Dblreppuken t1_jdwcrim wrote

Because our politicians, and pretty much any bigot, have mastered the art of putting their fingers in their ear and yelling "nyah nyahh i can't hear you! I'm too passing another law limiting the LBGTQ+ community"


JustAKeyboard t1_jdwzv42 wrote

>"Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
>In the forests of the night;
>What immortal hand or eye,
>Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
> >
>In what distant deeps or skies.
>Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
>On what wings dare he aspire?
>What the hand, dare seize the fire?"

Well the skies over Georgia apparently. Wings not necessary.


[deleted] t1_jdsf0bt wrote



zeddy303 t1_jdt30k6 wrote

This is the most sensational headline I've read all week. Seriously these editors have no shame.


[deleted] t1_jdrr0ex wrote



Hands0L0 t1_jdrrtem wrote

Not funny


MeasurementNo0 t1_jdrtile wrote

Here i will do us both a favor and block you since you aren't able to understand it is about the post and not the situation. Empathy and absurdity aren't mutually exclusive.
