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Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je3p1ks wrote


avelak t1_je3qe39 wrote

They typically rank near the very bottom in major build quality and reliability surveys (consumer reports, JD Power), but you can keep being a fanboy if you'd like. To their credit, they have moved up a few spots from dead last in the last couple of years!


[deleted] t1_je5dggl wrote



avelak t1_je5eyov wrote

Lol name calling? I guess I've found another person who loves Tesla.

Also, there's a difference between "everyone has recalls" (which is true and expected) and "everyone is at the same level of build quality as Tesla" (which is not true).

Tesla is consistently rated near the bottom of all major automotive manufacturers for build quality. For what it's worth, there are several other brands I probably wouldn't ever consider buying either due to the same reliability/consistency issues (like Ford).


vajeen t1_je5r11c wrote

Some things just aren't worth arguing about. Shitty Teslas is probably one of them.

But, hey, if y'all are enjoying the pissing contest, go for it. 🍿


TbonerT t1_je5fgap wrote

Yeah, name calling. The first thing you did was declare them a fanboy for pointing out that the other major manufacturers have the same problems. This isn’t about Tesla. Stop being an asshole.


avelak t1_je5fscy wrote

The very first thing I did was reiterate the point that Tesla is near the bottom of quality rankings, like I originally stated, and then followed up by indicating that the person I was responding to was likely blinded by fandom.

It's really not being an asshole


TbonerT t1_je5hzer wrote

We can all see that you couldn’t get through a single sentence before calling someone with information you didn’t like a “fanboy” and you continue to attack them. That’s what assholes do.


avelak t1_je5imea wrote

When did I continue to attack them? All I did was provide support for my initial assertions...

If anything, you're being far more aggressive than I was when I called him a "fanboy". In fact, you've completely departed from the initial discussion and brought nothing to the table about the original points made. Maybe you should take a long look in the mirror before you just start calling random people who don't like your favorite car company assholes.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je3ujg6 wrote

Surveys like these are another story, they are inherently subjective. For ex JD power includes things like infotainment tech. Yet, they still fall within the ranks of the established players in the industry. Same with the number of lemons.

It's an objective fact that established players have these same issues, so it's easy to spot an inaccurate characterization as extreme as 'no where near' and 'fuck ton'. Which looks more like you're a tesla hate boy, as I'm not saying they are better than anyone. If I was ide pull something irrelevant out like they still have a higher profit margin so they aren't having a problem selling these cars with poor surveys and quality issues.


SipthatTing t1_je46mw7 wrote

You know no matter how hard you simp for Elon hes not going to bang you right?


Cougardoodle t1_je4twyh wrote

Musk has 11 kids from 10 moms, he's already on the fastest possible route to impregnate that dude.


SipthatTing t1_je4wgip wrote

I sware all of his kids were IVF


cinderparty t1_jebx9y1 wrote

All but the first one, who died from SIDS, were conceived via ivf, yes.


CodingLazily t1_je4vxiq wrote

Calling a survey "inherently subjective" is a bold accusation when your own argument is founded entirely on informal personal observation and anecdote, which is far less rigorous than even a survey.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je4x01u wrote

>informal personal observation

False. Actual recalls for the other automakers is not anecdote.


CodingLazily t1_je52zse wrote

No, but your experience with a Google search is anecdote. If you don't trust survey data, and I don't blame you for that, then find something that's actually better.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je55u8j wrote

Well for one, at least a quick Google search is a step above the OC that just made claims with zero data to back it up. And I don't agree that's it anecdote, but that's my opinion.

How about this?. It shows conflict with how survey reports can used to back up claims.

But keep in mind, I'm not trying to write a dissertation to refute the original claims.


feral_brick t1_je3qmir wrote

Are you going for "idiotic Internet argument bingo?"

Whataboutism and false equivalency both in a 5 word comment must be a new record.

Fact of the matter is that teslas have shit reliability and anyone with five seconds to spare can figure that out just like I did.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je3u4ci wrote

Took me 5 seconds to Google those links objectively showing that all established players suffer from what is being complained about, seat belts, stearing wheels, lemons. That's not whataboutism lol that's directly related.

And you link to a JD ranking based on things like infotainment function, to which they can't rank Tesla because it doesn't meet criteria for the survey.


feral_brick t1_je3v82c wrote

aLl tHe EsTaBLisHeD pLAyeRs dO iT

If you're too stupid to understand that the only meaningful (I won't use the word objective because you clearly don't understand it) way to compare reliability is to compare rates, rather than "x company had issues with component y" or that finding examples of similar failure modes without numbers on frequency is textbook whataboutism, engaging with you isn't worth it because you won't learn and trying to explain it in ways you would understand would only make me sink to your level


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je3vsrk wrote

>would only make me sink to your level

What level am I at? And you engaged me. I gave a reasonable explanation of the comments i was refuting.

While you responded with childish insults:

>Are you going for "idiotic Internet argument bingo?"

>must be a new record.

>aLl tHe EsTaBLisHeD pLAyeRs dO iT

And I'm using the OC own words to show its not whataboutism, it's related.

>meaningful (I won't use the word objective because you clearly don't understand it)

You won't say objective, and continue the childish insults, becuase surveys are inherently subjective! But even still, the counter argument is: being ranked in the bottom third does not support claiming "nowhere near the standards of the established.."

>similar failure modes without numbers on frequency

If you want to make it a chore, we could analyze the rates, but a good comparison would also need nuance such as, if it's a manufacturing issue then adjust for how many are made at that manufacturing site, or manufacturing line type


feral_brick t1_je46t7n wrote

Your level is either trolling or blindingly delusional.

I responded with childish insults because frankly you have not shown either the intelligence or emotional maturity to respond to anything else.

The rest of your comment proves my point that you either willfully ignore facts or don't understand why you're wrong and are incapable of learning. So I hope you have a nice life, but I'm not here to teach you the things your middle school teachers failed to teach you, so this conversation is over.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je4wt29 wrote

You have very strong opinions about discussing facts and how to converse. You sound very triggered, honestly.


0b0011 t1_je4y7o7 wrote

It's complete whataboutism.

X happens more often with this company than these other companies.

What about when X happens to them? Here's links.

Not only was it whataboitism but you didn't even address what he was saying. He wasn't saying other manufacturers never have issues he was saying tesla has them more often.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je50dhw wrote

>he was saying tesla has them more often

Which is why I showed it doesn't happen to tesla more often, how can I make that analysis without discussing it happening to every other manufacfurer, nor does it amount to a fuck ton more lemons.

You guys are struggling with whataboutism.


0b0011 t1_je53mht wrote

You didn't show that it doesn't happen more often. You just showed that it also happens to other companies.


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_je57mth wrote

To be more specific, the claim is that relative to seat belt, steering wheel, and lemons, tesla is nowhere near the standards of established players and a fuckton more lemons; so to show that the other players also have large recalls of the same type does show that they are near their standards, as well as amount of lemons being in the middle of the other players, a direct show of it not happening more often.

Which is also, very much not whataboutism.
