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Clean_Command_4897 t1_jd3ssne wrote

Haha that's why they have bunny hills. You got this!


MoonBasic t1_jd3v6ty wrote

Pizza. French Fries. Pizza. French Fries. Got it.


TheDuchyofWarsaw t1_jd3zmmh wrote

If you French fry when you're supposed to pizza you're gonna have a bad time


gubbygub t1_jd5l80i wrote

i went snowboarding once, stayed on the bunny hill all day and holy shit that thing got fuckin deadly towards the end of the night! started off nice and kinda fluffy, but at the end after a bazillion falls and slides from everyone it was like solid ice mixed with a frankenstein lovechild of vibranium and adamantium with a bedrock base.

still cant feel a spot on my knee after falling on that shit hahah


NotShey t1_jd61bqo wrote

Honestly, I think the beginner slopes can be one of the most dangerous places at a lot of resorts. Especially during the peak season. So many people with no control, and no spatial awareness. All it takes is one dude losing control and smack.

Honorable mention to groomed blues/blue-blacks in the sun in the morning and shadow in the afternoon. People just fly down those, hit ice patches, and will go sliding down the hill sideways at like 40 miles an hour.