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Mikethebest78 t1_jdylyv0 wrote

And if that doesn't frighten the hell out of you it should.


akurra_dev t1_jdz13nm wrote

It should frighten everyone, and yet like 30% of Americans are clamoring for this shit. It's so ironic how Republican voters claim to want small government yet excitedly vote for a police state.


Reidroshdy t1_jdze4by wrote

They want small government for them, and the people like them. If you aren't like them,they want the government monitoring everything you do.


akurra_dev t1_jdzgd9h wrote

Yes I know, but the irony is they end up getting shit on too because their fucking dumb asses don't realize it's actually rich vs. poor lol.


krichuvisz t1_jdzg0mr wrote

They shout freedom but put millions in private jails. They don't live in cities but like to destroy the environment, They claim to be pro live but destroy lives wherever they can, asf. The whole conservative movement is a huge paradoxon, racing towards Armageddon.


MhaloTov t1_je0068q wrote

I remember freshman year in college writing a term paper about this kind of stuff, really scares you when you look closer into it


Ragnr99 t1_jdzvdz6 wrote

I’m not worried. Surveil me and my boring ass life.
