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Cultural_Gift_7842 t1_itjbijy wrote

Can't they just fucking exchange BBQ or hot pot or some other shit that doesn't fucking suck ass.


PresidentMagikarp t1_itjx8va wrote

Bold of you to assume that the North Koreans have food to exchange.


SaborW t1_itk1h1r wrote

I remember an interview a North Korean defector gave that explained how he snuck off post and stole his commanding officer's pet dog and cooked it up and ate it with his fellow soldier. Not only do they not have food, aside from the obvious reason that the country is dirt ass poor, soldiers there are seen as the bottom rung of society. Even if there were food to go around, they wouldn't get any


Koakie t1_itkgsfa wrote

The only soldiers getting propperly fed are the ones standing at the DMZ where they do the photo ops.

The rest are malnourished af.

>Although North and South Koreans are genetically similar, North Koreans are about 13 cm shorter than South Koreans because of nutritional differences


a4techkeyboard t1_itkrakm wrote

I think I remember watching a defector say the submariners are as well. And that they're all soldiers, even the ones in the navy.