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GaiusJuliusPleaser t1_ithmf23 wrote

Gotta love Russian propaganda. First you threaten with nuclear weapons, then you suggest the Ukrainians will use nuclear weapons to make you look bad.


yhwhx t1_ithnuvh wrote

Russia definitely has the Gasight and Project parts of GOP down pat.

(I guess they do Obstruct at the UN, too, so they're arguably down with all 3 parts.)


madbirdribdam t1_itj164x wrote

It feels like they had two different types of propaganda: one — for the internal consumer (“we’re going to nuke them”), the other — for the external (“they’re going to nuke us”). It was pretty obvious 5-10 years ago, but now the information spreads too fast, and the war mixed up everything, so they can’t keep audiences of these two narratives apart from each other anymore.


harrymfa t1_itihz2u wrote

They think people are going to believe Ukrainians are going to nuke their own country.


[deleted] t1_ithrfau wrote



engineeringataraxia t1_itij2zg wrote

Yeah, if you ignore Russia's multiple false flags to keep putin in power, zelinski's reluctance to use nuclear weapons and how it would jeopardize his admittance to nato, Putin's threats to use nuclear poliferation, and the end results for Ukraine joining nato, sure. Are you a Russian propagandist or just stupid?