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TopNFalvors t1_iqyoqmb wrote

What if the US turns into a hardline Christian Theocracy? I know it seems far fetched but just look at what has happened in the past 2 years


Randomcheeseslices t1_iqztu5m wrote

Look to what is happening in Iran, then look at what Iran looked like in the 70s.

Not far fetched at all, and a good reason to get active, and make changes


Alilatias t1_iqzv3lc wrote

Some people say this will never happen, but as long as blowhards who are trying to chip away at the fabric of our society keep getting elected into positions of power, the threat will continue to exist.

I keep being reminded of Iran's current struggles, and the conditions that led to it. The people who fled Iran after their so-called revolution would tell us of how the cities used to be extremely progressive by the standards of the nations in the region, and we see pictures of women not having to hide their humanity taken lifetimes ago. But what seems to get lost in that explanation is that the rural areas were still full of extremist nutjobs, and they took complete power under the guise of ending corruption and wrecked everything. And now the Iranians have to take to the streets trying to reverse that, protesting for the right for their women to be treated with decency.

What happened to Iran should be taken as a warning to us. We did barely avoid an attempted coup, after all. One could also argue that the Supreme Court itself is an attempted coup in progress at the judicial level too.


logicalfallacy234 t1_ir2dlhq wrote

Have spent the last year and a half working on an epic play about the Revolution! And what motivated/is behind both the 1979 Revolution, and the current world's falling back to religion.

I do think the Iranian mullahs, and most religious people even, do have a case for a faith-based life, rather than a purely empirical evidence based on.


Alilatias t1_ir2fdn9 wrote

Definitely, there is nothing wrong with a faith-based life. It's when it crosses the line into being used as a bludgeon to justify taking away the rights of your fellow human beings that it basically transforms into something else entirely.

Religion seeks out power, perhaps as a means for the faith to survive. But we've seen that there's also a point where that same power can corrupt, and attract followers to the religion that aren't seeking the actual faith, but the influence it wields.

Indeed, I'm not sure the most powerful Christians in America holding public office or the courts even believe in the faith at all, and are just appealing to the extremists as a means to retain their power.


logicalfallacy234 t1_ir2har0 wrote

Yup! My understanding is that for a lot of faith based people, they feel the only real way to bring that faith into the world is through politics. To them, the separation of church and state is a non-sequitur.

The Islamist philosopher Sayyid Qutab (who influenced a half century now of radical Islamism) felt that that idea of separation of the material and spiritual worlds agreed on in Ancient Greece is the central mistake of the Western world, that has caused all of its suffering. The way around that suffering IS making church and state one and the same.

I feel like a lot the modern radical Christian movement in America has arrived at that same thought, albeit usually less well-articulated, and aided by good old, Roman Empire style imperialism and racism.


FlaxxSeed t1_ir2tsp6 wrote

The problem is when their sexuality is attached to the religion, example, marriage. They are in the death cult and their brain's reward synapses are attached to the cult. There is no going back they are destroyed and should be viewed as such, like you would perminate brain damage.


CyberGrandma69 t1_iqywsm1 wrote

Handmaid's Tale is lookin a little more like a playbook every day


TopNFalvors t1_iqyxxu6 wrote

What’s that?


techleopard t1_iqz3amt wrote

If you're not into reading, Handmaid's Tale is also streaming on Hulu, I believe.

The Christian fascist country founded after America is overthrown is called Gilead. That's why you may see a growing number of references to Gilead as the abortion rights fight continues.

There's a subreddit where people can report how the state bans have been affecting them in ways that are creepily similar to the Handmaid's Tale, such as cancer drugs being denied to women because "childbearing age." /r/WelcomeToGilead/


bicameral_mind t1_ir1gtb2 wrote

The best part is that they cease control of the country by bombing congress as a false flag attack. Hmm, who else recently tried to attack congress?


CyberGrandma69 t1_iqyytjl wrote

A book by Margaret Atwood about life in a dystopian (lookin probable) future where America is overthrown and run by patriarchal Christian Fascists and women are forced into subhuman categories. There is a TV series that is also really well done even if it is agonizing to watch.

Unfortunately within the book are many stories that have truly happened to women. Margaret Atwood made sure to include things that have and do happen in the name of mysoginy, racism, homophobia... and when you see those stories you recognize them as real and really happening around you to some degree and that's what is so scary about it... she didn't just write about things that could happen but things that do happen :(


drawkbox t1_iqz3yfa wrote

Never gonna happen, more people are not religious now than most of US history. This is a last roar of a fading cult.


TopNFalvors t1_iqz4edu wrote

I hope you are right. But our very conservative Supreme Court can do a lot of damage and unravel 50+ years of our progressive democracy in a short amount of time.


drawkbox t1_iqz5h0w wrote

It is just causing the backlash to happen quicker. Lots of flailing and failing.


Archmage_of_Detroit t1_iqzdlkk wrote

OK, but what happens when society is apathetic and the cult is full of hardline zealots?


civemaybe t1_ir0kfr6 wrote

Radical, tyrannical minorities overthrow democracies all the time.


tasslehawf t1_ir0xtmb wrote

The people in power do not represent us, but have cemented their ability to get reelected by their minority.


discogeek t1_iqzy90p wrote

Roe, Roe, Roe your vote.


civemaybe t1_ir0kkco wrote

You need to put that on a t-shirt.


discogeek t1_ir1kg7e wrote

Already have one! Wearing it to my MAGA-rich voting precinct on Election Day.


Amiiboid t1_ir1r3s0 wrote

Careful you don’t get kicked out for engaging in campaigning too close to a polling place, though.


discogeek t1_ir20e34 wrote

Thanks. You're allowed to even wear campaign clothing in Pennsylvania. This isn't specific to any campaign and doesn't *ask* anyone to vote, so it's legal. Appreciate the concern for sure! (And I know the county Democratic Party lawyer on duty for Election Day problems, already let her know about my clothing option - she said she's probably going to get one too!)


Morat20 t1_ir0pi92 wrote

Have you seen church attendance figures? They've gone even more nuts than normal because it's falling so fast.

Only a subset of American Christians would actually be in favor of this ultra-right theocratic nonsense. They're loud as fuck, but they're not actually that big.

And bluntly, most of them are in their last decade or so of life.


HardlyDecent t1_ir22im8 wrote

I'm inclined to agree. I think this is more the last ditch, violent death throes of religion as a thing to revere. I mean, we've been to the Heavens. We can basically all read and have the internet (first world at least). There's simply no more need for fairy tales to explain the unknown or shape our behavior.


logicalfallacy234 t1_ir2e4e7 wrote

Unfortunately, I do think the rest of the 21st century will be about a return to faith for many people, given the grim predictions for the century. Simply put, it's hard for humans to survive not believing in anything. It seems there's a need to have faith in something you can't prove. Empiricism seems to have its limits. Which is something the mullahs of Iran do understand, unfortunately.


meatball77 t1_ir278ax wrote

I wonder what the point would be that would have the north and western states pulling away from the south. What happens if they get enough states to hold a constitutional convention (their next plan), we're facing real minority rule in this country and it's terrifying.

I wonder what kind of America these people want. Is it one that is filled with work camps filled with people they have deemed to be criminals?