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VyrPlan t1_ismkn1x wrote

>Investigators said they found a passenger side mirror believed to be from the vehicle involved in the hit-and-run.

oh, please let them catch this asshole

>According to FHP, the mirror is believed to have been part of a Black BMW

how peculiar, usually bmw drivers are so courteous and conscientious

edit: fixed transposed quotes


Ares1935 t1_ismn7iu wrote

sure, just looking for a black BMW in OC.

better hope they find a plate on a nearby traffic cam


AskWhatWhen t1_ismtv12 wrote

No traffic cams in that area, sadly. Pinecastle isn't one of the more "well to do" areas. Good people, though, and I wouldn't think the driver was from around there.


isawagoose t1_isoycm8 wrote

>Good people, though, and I wouldn't think the driver was from around there.

What an absurd and baseless assumption. Shitty people live in literally every neighborhood.


bannana t1_isp544y wrote

The assumption is more likely a driver of a bmw doesn't live in this poorer neighborhood


denyjunctionfunction t1_isp87hm wrote

Plenty of people in poor neighborhoods drive bmws. It’s either them wasting all their money on that one thing or they are driving an ancient model.


ageofthoughts t1_ispuaqi wrote

I love reddits ability to turn literally any comment into an argument


DeNoodle t1_isq16lj wrote

I would argue that it's human nature and not something caused by Reddit.


craigslistshaman t1_ispu165 wrote

Unfotunately, they won't. I was left on the side of the road after a hit and run in Denver last month and landed in the ICU. They found the mirror from a Silverado at the scene. The cops were straight with me and said there is very little chance of catching the person. Most people would order that part off Amazon and install it themselves instead of taking it to a shop after a situation like that.


famousfeline t1_ismpgwr wrote

BMW drivers are courteous and conscientious? That's sarcasm, right? I find BMW, Tesla, and SUV drivers to be most unpleasant and selfish drivers. At least in Los Angeles and San Francisco.


CrooklynDodgers t1_ismscxm wrote

Tesla has definitely moved to the top of that tier


RogueHelios t1_ispo6mj wrote

I work valet and had the opportunity to drive my first Tesla, the captain asked me if I could right in front of the customer and I said it would be my first. The fucker with the ugly ass Tesla had the audacity to yell out "Yeah you're not touching my Tesla, can I get someone competent over here?"

If I wasn't such a level headed person I would've fucking roasted his bald ass. Jokes on him though, I still have my hair.

For those of you that haven't been in a Tesla let me tell you they're ugly ass cars on the inside and have such stupid features like the key being a card and the engine only turning off once you exit the vehicle. That last one confused the hell out of me the first time.


lvlint67 t1_isn2ocp wrote

I mean the pickup drivers are at the top of the list around here.


FlamingButterfly t1_isoal3g wrote

One keeps trying to race me and I'm like dude I'm just trying to go to work.


TheDoughyRider t1_ismv9t0 wrote

The good thing about Teslas is that they have really good AEB so even douche bags will have a hard time hitting cyclists.


GreyFoXguy t1_ismsr5t wrote

San Francisco and Los Angeles…there’s your main problem right there, not the cars.


HauntedButtCheeks t1_ismz1g1 wrote

Somebody just deleted a comment saying she would be hard to see, so here's what I was going to respond with for context.

She was riding a bright green adult sized tricycle with a tall flag on the back. Definitely not low & difficult to see .

This killing is local to me. Michelle Allen was a well known & beloved person in the homeless community. She really loved the stray cats & was always taking care of them. This article even has a photo of her.


blahblahlablah t1_isownqe wrote

I'm not sure how it is in other parts of the world but where I live it's actually rare that people stop completely at stop signs.

The riskiest scenario that I see often, and always am on the lookout for, is when some asshat is coming up to a stop sign looking to enter a road and they are only looking to their left to make ensure they don't get hit while turning right. They rarely look right to see if anyone is crossing the street because, I guess, that's too much to ask. All of this so they can get somewhere slightly faster. We have very little enforcement here, but I don't know if that would even change things.

I imagine it's the same all over. People are people.

Super sad story and to leave someone behind to die without even trying to help and/or take responsibility is horrible.


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_isnoejn wrote

I don’t see lights or reflectors on that bike and this occurred in the evening around 9pm. Are there any? Because I wouldn’t expect a flag or matte paint colors to do anything to increase visibility at night.

I’m not so sure that visibility didn’t play any role here


HardlyDecent t1_isnqdjr wrote

In my decades of driving I've never hit a human just because they weren't wearing reflective gear. If she were in all black with yellow stripes it would still be no excuse. Driver was texting or intentionally distracted--at best. Possibly one of the oxygen-thieving assholes who try to swipe cyclists/pedestrians off the road. Visibility be damned--they hit a human and drove off.

Source: They try to hit me just about every day here, even in a very visible vehicle (or riding a bike).


Agent_Angelo_Pappas t1_iso2oim wrote

> In my decades of driving I’ve never

I’m actually involved with automotive safety in a professional regard so I’m acutely aware just how useless anecdotes like this are. My grandmother never wore a seatbelt and died from lung disease at the age of 97. Does that make seat belts pointless? Obviously no.

Likewise the fact that you haven’t happened to hit a person on the road at night obscured by the dark doesn’t mean it’s safe to bike or walk on roads at night without lights or reflectors

I never suggested a lack of reflectors would excuse a hit and run, but don’t outright lie and declare visibility wasn’t possibly a factor when this happened at night with an apparently unlit vehicle. We don’t need people lying and hiding risks that are important for people to know about. Too few people appreciate how hard it is to see pedestrians at night, and they disregard safe practices near the road, and people like you promote that needlessly risky behavior by trying to hide what it may lead to


hyggety_hyggety t1_isoryka wrote

I think it’s the “run” part of hit and run that people are most concerned about.


HauntedButtCheeks t1_ismppku wrote

How the fuck does someone hit an old woman on a tricycle?! The killer better not dare claim they couldn't see her, an old lady on a tricycle would be difficult not to notice


processedmeat t1_isnqrwz wrote

Driver could have been drunk. No idea how they lost a mirror until the news report and is now frightened to turn themselves in


Nauin t1_isokqku wrote

Yeah one of my old classmates just murdered a homeless guy driving home from the bar. Their car went off into the sidewalk for just enough time to run over a guy sleeping on it. Tragic stuff.


fasda t1_isu73u6 wrote

No need for them to be drunk people don't pay enough attention even when sober.


gringo-tico t1_isnzgdo wrote

Because Orlando. I can't get out of my driveway without cursing at someone within minutes.


shouldabeenanemail t1_isokejd wrote

you sound delightful


BrillWolf t1_isoni3t wrote

Have you driven around Orlando lately? It's a shitshow at the best of times.


RobPlaysThatGame t1_isotawo wrote

Every place swears that their local drivers are the worst. Meanwhile, the magic of Orlando is that every region's worst drivers are here on vacation with rental cars and no idea where they're going.


BrillWolf t1_isp1nta wrote

They get their licenses from Cracker Jack boxes


gringo-tico t1_isosp0b wrote

A procession of bikes were running their red light last night when I was driving back home. There were like a hundred of them and they wouldn't stop, even as we were crossing. The car next to me had to literally stop in the middle of the road on a green until we were almost hitting them to get them to stop that shit. I hate driving here so much lol.


shouldabeenanemail t1_isop4fv wrote

Sounds like it. I hear there are people that will start cursing at you within minutes of leaving their driveway.


Ocbard t1_iso98n4 wrote

Yeah those old women on tricycles, they zoom around, really dangerous, they suddenly come out of nowhere. /s


Cunninghams_right t1_isn9m2b wrote

I wish America wasn't a car-dominated hell-scape. I get it, cars are convenient to each individual, but can we please acknowledge that the total and complete domination of 99% of the transportation right-of-way is a bit too much and detracts from all of our well-being? can we have like 3% of the space used for bike lanes so people have an alternative to expensive, deadly, and often polluting vehicles?


SWG_138 t1_isnwpao wrote

There is also more money in walkable cities, but oil has convinced anyone having money but them is bad.


SexyAcanthocephala t1_isnucgy wrote

Are you suicidal?

If not I suggest you quiet down before the oil lobby hears you.


AskWhatWhen t1_ismtlgo wrote

Sad part about this, in the neighborhood she was known as "the cat lady". Always very pleasant to talk to. Always going around on her trike. There's a little memorial with balloons up now. Never know what tomorrow will bring, folks.


cassidy026 t1_ismr6dw wrote

I hope they find the murderer and jail the SOB. R.I.P. to this woman. I hope it was a quick, painless death.


[deleted] t1_ismv0nb wrote



TheDoughyRider t1_ismvkd9 wrote

Yes, but as a licensed operator of a two ton piece of machinery you have a duty to help a person you hit.


[deleted] t1_isn0k9h wrote



DantesDivineConnerdy t1_isn5d6v wrote

You aren't actually debating anything, just being extremely pedantic about legal terms that often mean different things in different states and countries. There's no reason anyone needs to reference a specific murder charge to call this murder-- murder itself at its most basic level means an unjustified killing. But legally speaking, murder is often referenced in this exact situation: depraved heart murder or third degree murder.

Vehicular manslaughter is another very specific legal term that only exists in certain places, so it's unreasonable for you to expect people to change their colloquial definitions of murder based on that. Even so, this is likely going to be far more serious than vehicular manslaughter-- which is what it would have been if the driver actually stopped and called 911. The fact that they drove away really bumps this up to potentially some kind of legal murder charge, and colloquially at least it is perfectly accurate to call them a murderer.


cas13f t1_isnvspt wrote

>But legally speaking, murder is often referenced in this exact situation: depraved heart murder or third degree murder.

With some crossover (or replaced) with "Negligent Homicide" in some jurisdictions.


cassidy026 t1_ismvdbd wrote

I guess I get what you’re saying but… This person still took the life of another human being. To make matters worse, they fled. That stupid decision just added another charge.


[deleted] t1_isn0dp2 wrote



tomtttttttttttt t1_isnc26p wrote

They left the scene, that makes them a villain and the death something beyond accidental or even negligent.

Panicked or not that was a deliberate choice and they are rightly being painted the villain for it.


wiewiorka6 t1_isn2ltu wrote

People choose to drive. They know the extreme risks they take every time they put themselves behind the wheel. If they can’t deal with being potentially a murderer and all of the consequences that go with that, they shouldn’t be driving.


[deleted] t1_isn4ljg wrote



lightlybaked t1_isoojl2 wrote

My favorite comments are the ones trying to argue semantics. Like dude… it doesn’t make you sound smart nor add anything of value


RunningTrisarahtop t1_isnnlo7 wrote


I run and bike and walk on roads and if someone hits me they don’t get to have a moment of fucking panic and just leave me there.

This person killed her. They were driving a giant vehicle and didn’t pay enough attention and they killed her and left her like she was trash.


dlc741 t1_isp5tia wrote

And are you stupid enough to think that the driver "didn't intend" to leave the scene of the accident and a woman lying on the side of the road?

You're a horrible person.


InflamedLiver t1_ismk3tk wrote

I assume motorized, at her age. So like a motorcycle but with a third wheel not like the kids toy


Bigwing2 t1_ismkze9 wrote

They make adult size pedal trikes. That's what I'm thinking it was.


Darryl_Lict t1_isn0u2b wrote

Three wheeled bicycle, if you will. This picture was referenced earlier. Looks like a Schwinn adult tricycle.


FatherDotComical t1_ispvg9t wrote

I had that exact bike in college. It was so great just to dump all my stuff in the little basket.


cas13f t1_isnv96y wrote

I would more likely classify it as a "cargo bike"--by and large, the "tricycle" name isn't used very frequently for adult-sized products. The most correct description would probably be "cargo trike".


briefbriefs t1_isn0b0r wrote

This is what I’m thinking. My grandma rides one every single day with her friends (it’s safer than a bike and still lets her get a few miles of exercise in a day).


ritchie70 t1_ismrwdt wrote

80 can be anything from running marathons to propped up in a wheelchair drooling.


Asleep_Fish_472 t1_ismv20n wrote

I was secretly hoping this 80 year old rocked the low rider with the huge front wheel we used as kids in kindergardeb


Itswithans t1_isnyt4y wrote

My heart is hurting thinking of all of her kitty friends not knowing where she’s gone :/ poor woman. She sounded like a genuinely good heart.


BlooDoge t1_iso08kq wrote

Hit and run with injury or fatality should be a mandatory 10 year sentence


joeybagofdonuts80 t1_isnterx wrote

I like to play a game when I see Orange County in a headline. California or Florida? I knew instantly this happened in Florida.


Nugur t1_isnvihd wrote

It happens in OC Ca too. The only difference is someone’s said there’s no traffic cam. In ca traffic cams are everywhere


Clodhoppa81 t1_isoqekg wrote

The source in the title having 'orlando' in it kinda gave it away.


pm_me_ur_pharah t1_ispblx3 wrote

They were on a bike. In america, it's totally legal to murdur someone in cold blood - as long as they are on a bike.


FreshwaterArtist t1_isq753i wrote

Shit like this happens every day and motorists still throw a tantrum when they see an Idaho stop and cry about bikers being allowed on the road


JamminPsychonaut t1_iss70vh wrote

Very sad, but she did have a long and good life. I hope her death was quick and painless.


midevilman2020 t1_isn0216 wrote

Probably a recumbent bike, which a lot seniors ride. Does nobody else call it that?


wiewiorka6 t1_isn2q1o wrote

People do, when it actually is a recumbent bike.


spill73 t1_isnd97y wrote

LOL: I see only fit seniors in recumbent bikes. Tricycles are much easier for people with mobility issues because they don’t require bending down so far.


[deleted] t1_ismqz7y wrote



Inner-Figure5047 t1_ismrleg wrote

Hello there BMW driver


awkwardthanos t1_ismsybg wrote

German cars blow. But I appreciate the nazi reference


scaphoids1 t1_ismtqv3 wrote

It was a joke implying you were defending the driver who hit her (in a BMW) so much it must be you. Not a nazi joke dude


ritchie70 t1_isms32b wrote

My grandma had a pedal trike that I rode once to get home from being repaired. If you’re used to a two-wheeler they’re hard to ride because leaning isn’t involved. I put it in the ditch!


awkwardthanos t1_ismoi26 wrote

Why was she on a bike? Bad odds


IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE t1_ismp5zd wrote

Keeping healthy and exercising?


[deleted] t1_ismq0a5 wrote



vonhoother t1_ismqb9z wrote

That's why she was riding a trike -- they can't fall over.

"Reckless and irresponsible" describes the SOB who hit her.


dgvelling t1_ismrgmb wrote

Waking is significantly slower than a bike, especially if she is using it for small groceries or errands requiring carrying something. Ultimately we need to design our roads better to protect pedestrians and enforce this type of stuff. I mean it just gets ridiculous


[deleted] t1_ismsvd3 wrote



dgvelling t1_ismt4jo wrote

I mean walking is free whereas a car you have to pay for gas, maintenance, insurance etc. If anything you loose money and cars loose their worth as soon as you purchase and put miles on them. I’d be down for more reliable decent safe public transport options


awkwardthanos t1_ismteg7 wrote make money walking? A car allows you to get to better jobs, make money, meet people and get away from others. Feet are obsolete


dgvelling t1_ismu5ec wrote

Actually you can! There’s some apps that you can download like Sweatcoin and stepbeat. But besides that point, it also pays in health so that’s more of a long term benefit.

Also most of what you are saying is again going based on design. We’ve made our cities in America designed around cars not around people. I’m not saying I don’t like cars at all. I love a good drive.

However between public safety, environmental smog and air quality, division for poor that gets further imbalanced by cars (if you need a car to get to work that’s already an expense someone say homeless or check to check can’t necessarily afford to make) and more, we are going to need to make some significant changes. Two bikes getting into an accident causes a lot less infrastructure and city damage than two cars which goes back to tax payers. Cars wear and tear roads at faster rates which again goes back to tax payers to pay. Again I’m not saying get rid of cars but there’s going to need to be some shifts. Cars have their place especially in the middle of nowhere but we could afford to make things safer