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HoopOnPoop t1_itblzt6 wrote

Spent a couple days the hospital 2 weeks ago with my toddler on oxygen and IV fluids. Her fever spiked up to 105 and oxygen (which should be close to 100) dropped to the low/mid 80s at one point while she was there. It's no joke.


Alwayssunnyinarizona t1_itcbniw wrote

My little buddy has been sick for two weeks now, it hit him way harder than I expected. Ear infection, croup, teething, and this SOB all at once. Not a fun time.


TheRealSpez t1_itchind wrote

I had an upper respiratory infection a few weeks ago that gave me an ear infection as I started feeling better.

My ears are still ringing occasionally, and it wasn’t even RSV, COVID, or the flu.


KrootLoops t1_itdivqd wrote

I'm going through it right now, just at the tail end of it. I thought I just caught bronchitis out of nowhere because I've mostly been coughing and wheezing, and the first day I started to feel sick I was pretty short of breath. Next couple of days I had the chills and then it petered out to just constantly coughing. Tested for covid, turned up negative.

Now I've seen this article I'm wondering if I didn't catch this from a customer's kid or something while at work.


TheRealSpez t1_itdmcp8 wrote

It could be, but it might not be.

I was tested for COVID, flu, RSV, and strep, and was negative for all of them. It was just some sort of viral laryngitis/bronchitis, and my doctor said that they’ve been seeing it a lot.

Regardless, it doesn’t really matter. We treat all viral respiratory the same— drink water, take meds, sleep. Not much you can do but wait and treat symptoms. I was only getting tested because it was going to affect my medical treatment (physical therapy) if it was COVID


melarusesays t1_itjs27v wrote

My kids had same. Neither ever had an ear infection before, each 10+, yet lost hearing basically from inner ear swelling and had to go on antibiotics. All tests were negative.


NeverRolledA20IRL t1_itg7rm9 wrote

My whole family is sick with the same thing. It is really nasty, the amount of tiredness you feel was similar to COVID for us.


egoissuffering t1_itga7b9 wrote

My girlfriend had the same thing where she also tested negative for everything but was pretty sick. Doctor just diagnosed her with pharyngitis.


Chalupa-Supreme t1_itgb6xa wrote

Pretty sure I had this a month or so ago. I know I got it from the customer that coughed in my face. Gave it to my sister a few weeks ago. Now my mom, who was in the hospital with covid for months, is recovering from it. Everyone was terrified she would have to go back.

Every one of us had a cold for a week, then it turned into a nasty sinus thing. It felt like I spent a week straight popping my ears because I couldn't stand the pressure! Getting to sleep was a nightmare.


ZealousGhost t1_ite42a9 wrote

Shit I had the same exact symptoms and my ears are just unclogging from that ear infection.


larsmaehlum t1_itfr658 wrote

Had something like this in late spring. First I had a really violent cough for a couple of days, then it hit my right sinus before moving to my ear the day after. Needed antibiotics to clear.
Didn’t hear properly for a couple of weeks.


dins3r t1_itcm65m wrote

Glad y’all are ok.

My wife and I had twins on 7/25 and both of them caught RSV from their older brother after 6 days of being home. One spent 30 days in the NICU at Children’s hospital... the other, 14 days. Oxygen and a feeding tube. What sucks is there’s no medicine for it… they can only treat the symptoms. So it’s a hurry up and wait type of deal and it wrecks infants.

Luckily both my boys are good now and doing well but it was dicey for a minute there.


Botboy141 t1_itcwm1f wrote

3 year old had it just before her 4th B-Day a few weeks ago. Wife noticed wheezing a day or two after a cough started. Took her to urgent care. Prescribed steroids for Bronchiolitis. Followed up with doc 7 days later and all clear.

We felt so lucky. Little girl was on oxygen for a week when she was first born, was dreading a potential return.


mces97 t1_itdhafu wrote

Yeah, my cousin had rsv when he was a baby and almost died. This was like 25 years ago.