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[deleted] t1_itbthwv wrote



Modern_Bear t1_itc26zu wrote

So the masks ruined antibody buildup but also didn't work at the same time, but they helped. Way to contradict yourself twice in one short post.


x_xStay_Uglyx_x t1_itc5u9l wrote

Well which is it? Did the masks not work or did they ruin our immunity? It can't be both.


D4RKNESSAW1LD t1_itc8z6m wrote

N95 work just fine.. cloth masks didn’t do much. Covid particles are smaller than others giving it a better shot to move through these masks more so than other viruses.

So tell me… why now are these viruses spreading like wildfire and putting people especially children into hospitals?

Antivaxers? Or lowered immunity.

I wore a mask and I’m vaxxed. I’m not against it, I just don’t believe they did all that much. Numbers clearly show the virus continued to spread. While other viruses were low in transmission. Even masked, Covid spread like crazy.


neridqe00 t1_itc35xo wrote

For discussion sake, could you share or link any relevant information in regards to "masking ruining common antibody build ups"

And just to touch on it a bit further, could you explain what common antibody build ups are specifically?

I appreciate your time and sharing of info.