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doofleton t1_iuefvsd wrote

A few years ago when a flyover collapsed in another poll bound state in India, killing several people, our current Prime Minister said, to applause, it was "a message from God" not to vote for his rivals in their govt.Today it is his own party that was in power when this bridge collapsed and their supporters here will.tell you "not to politicise" the incident. Only they are allowed to politicise the deaths of citizens.

Watch him say it here


kekentyl t1_iuf3bnl wrote

I guess that's a pretty universal phenomenon, huh.


adamjm t1_iugxzjg wrote

They really work hard to keep their country miserable over there. Group effort.


Ameisen t1_iuiqrkt wrote

They also corrupt schools. There is an entire Hindu Nationalist movement in history and linguistics, pushing that Indo-Europeans came from India, and that Sanskrit is the root language.

Despite the massive amounts of evidence and research to the contrary, if you disagree with them they just call you racist.