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Then_Campaign7264 t1_itlor3x wrote

After reading the 50+ page petition for removal cited in the article, I’m guessing people will be coming out of the woodwork to file complaints against this sheriff.

He is a danger and menace to his community, likely as bad as if not worse than many people he has arrested during his tenure.

Good riddance to him and his ilk.


rtphokie t1_itlq7y1 wrote

Wait… what? You not only read the article but the detailed documents referenced in the article…. before commenting here?

How very un reddit of you


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itls2kv wrote

It is one hell of an indictment detailing his actions, making the reporting seem tame under the circumstances. Of course, innocent until proven guilty. So it was worth taking a closer look at the allegations which are horrifying for that community. God help anyone who fell within his crosshairs.


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itlzdxf wrote

I’d recommend to any one interested go ahead and read the indictment and attached documents. They provide a detailed account of what abuse of power (along with other crimes) looks like committed by a bad law enforcement official.


1776cookies t1_itluo50 wrote

Dang! While a turd of a human being, he did cause her to kick a window of the car while having sex, so I guess he had that going for him.


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itlxyyf wrote

Damage to county property. Lmao on that one.

The other counts were bad. The guy is a walking, talking, badge and gun wielding crime spree.


This-is-getting-dark t1_itmarnx wrote

How dare you make me actually read an article. Monster!!


Then_Campaign7264 t1_itmhlbj wrote

If you want more reading, look at the history of corruption in Columbus county before this guy came along starting in 1979, particularly in law enforcement: drug smuggling, drug possession, drug dealing, racketeering, bribery, extortion, conspiracy, arson, perjury, interstate gambling . . .


IamSauerKraut t1_itmdpbx wrote

She was trying to breath... imagine that piece of blubber on any woman...


DontCallMeTopher t1_itltn7w wrote

Mf had a checklist of all the bad corrupt shit one can do and went after it like it was Xbox achievements 😂


kinyodas t1_itlmu6m wrote

A real piece of work - Not just the racist statements, but also the workplace discrimination and arresting political opponents is going to cost the department dearly.


HazardIsFunny t1_itlsm4b wrote

Going to cost taxpayers, not the department.


brockington t1_itm3ceq wrote

We really oughta figure out a way to take the money from the entire police department's pension fund instead in these types of situations. Give the "good apples" a reason to hold the bad ones accountable, or they'll never do it.


old_ironlungz t1_itmbkjy wrote

Here's a crazy idea: Force police unions to pick up the tab for all monetary liabilities caused by their fellow member officers.

It will cause one of two positive outcomes

  1. The police union goes on strike, causing mass replacement and/or disbanding of the police union in general or

  2. They clean their house of garbage/corrupt/psychopathic cops and bring accountability to their doorstep.


IamSauerKraut t1_itmdv6c wrote

I hope losing his pension is one of the things the prosecutors will attempt to achieve.


HootblackDesiato t1_itlme87 wrote

It's always nice when the trash takes itself out.


pegothejerk t1_itlpfe2 wrote

Unfortunately we have a historical and cultural problem with pervasively putting trashcans in these positions of power, instead of public servants.


The_Yarichin_Bitch t1_itlwqle wrote

Omfg how bad did you have to be to, as a cop, step down right before the hearings start knowing it'll be bad??


BrownEggs93 t1_itmv8gv wrote

"Greene was suspended from office for making racist remarks about his Black employees, but District Attorney Jon David now alleges Greene also abused his power for personal gain by arresting residents who talked down to him and threatening to arrest county commissioners without justification."

This sounds so, so, so southern.


SaltyMudpuppy t1_itn8cxc wrote

It honestly just sounds small town. The "Good o'l Boy Network" doesn't just exist in the south.


serres53 t1_itlvkg2 wrote

Remember to vote this November. These people cannot be elected anywhere. We have the power to send them off to oblivion first and then to jail…VOTE!


mikemojc t1_itmsw1z wrote

If it was a criminal trial, why call it off? Finish up.

Surely the crimes dont revert to uncommitted simply because the perp quit their job?


axonxorz t1_itm1yxq wrote

Another one of these Constitutional Sherrifs?


zesty_hootenany t1_itn9kpi wrote

With being in North Carolina, in one of the most geographically southern counties in the state, and in a town called Whiteville, I’m honestly surprised not to see the story not involve mainly racism.


star-heels1969 t1_itngwby wrote

He is still on the ballot for us. I hope our country folk out here who were raised with this man and still support him just as maga still support trump, don't show up to the polls.


lonezomewolf t1_itn1brh wrote

Give people power over others and they will abuse it, far more often than not. That is just a sad reality of life...


erichw23 t1_itnqemh wrote

Just means EVERY other cop there is complacent and dirty af, will never change


Trailsey t1_itphohn wrote

> A judge threw that charge out for being inefficient.

Um, what?


CritaCorn t1_itn5jsb wrote

He will get rehired next county over