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longhegrindilemna t1_isxl31c wrote

Some executives feel shame when they fail to serve their customers.


Dannoinmo- t1_isxpp7f wrote

We need more business executives and politicians to feel this way….


funtomhive t1_isxy9nm wrote

Rogers executives did practically nil after the big outage in Canada. At this point, not much will happen as people have short memories.


What_its_full_of t1_isyt3o4 wrote

Are you kidding? They sent me 5 letters of apology. In the first two weeks after the event.

I had to send them to my spam folder.


funtomhive t1_it057l1 wrote

Most of my coworkers said they heard zilch for a long time, but maybe because some of them were on Fido? Was just going by what they mentioned.


Deyln t1_it1w0ib wrote

Got nothing as I was not their customer and still couldn't pay for things.


[deleted] t1_isxkuwx wrote



PhilSpectorsMugshot t1_isygpon wrote

“Cool country you’ve got there. Would be a shame if someone invented a website for ranking hot girls on campus and your mom used it to learn how to poison herself with horse paste.”


ChrisRuss86 t1_it0uob0 wrote

“Zuckerberg simply cannot be second-guessed, let alone fired, because he controls around 58% of Facebook's voting shares: Specifically, he and other insiders own Class B shares that have 10 times the voting rights of regular Class A shares.”


StarScreamer t1_it0665d wrote

Why would he resign when the application is working as designed.


[deleted] t1_isyo7gf wrote



Verklemptomaniac t1_isyyi0l wrote

I think it's less that he's being blamed for the fire than the fact that one fire at one data center took down what's essentially a critical piece of South Korea's modern telecom infranstructure for over a day.

Clearly, there was a lack of redundancy and risk management/mitigation, if their service was wholly dependent on that one data center.


RoadsideCookie t1_iszsm0r wrote

Also, wouldn't that be a CTO's responsibility?

Or did he resign because as a CEO, he failed to hire a CTO? loll


Necrontyr525 t1_it2an16 wrote

or they did have a CTO, but this guy was responsible for signing the "this is too expensive, so we won't do it." memo. And then the fire happened, the blame game goes off, and CTO has his ass covered by said memo.

Source: standard IT CYA policy.